Assertion failed for krb5kdc

Ken Raeburn raeburn at MIT.EDU
Thu Nov 12 13:15:22 EST 2009

On Nov 12, 2009, at 07:57, <Leon.Kemna at> <Leon.Kemna at 
 > wrote:
> Maybe you're refering to a more recent repository version?
> Is there a version that I could download which would yield better
> results on solaris 8 for compilation?

Oh, and regarding Solaris 8... I'd forgotten when I sent my earlier  
email, but there are additional problems if you're working with  
multithreaded software.  Arlene Berry reported details at 
  along with a patch, but we don't have a fix in the source tree as  
yet.  (Arlene's patch should work fine for Solaris 8; a patch for the  
distribution probably shouldn't serialize DNS searches on platforms  
where it isn't necessary.)

If your software is single-threaded (as all the Kerberos programs in  
the MIT distribution are), then this shouldn't present any problems.


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