cross-realm authentication problem

Guillaume Rousse Guillaume.Rousse at
Thu May 28 11:58:42 EDT 2009

Douglas E. Engert a écrit :
> krb5-1.6.1   supports RC4 and DES (plus others).
> Windows 2003 only supports RC4 and DES.
> krb5-1.3.1   only supports DES.
Windows 2003 support RC4 starting from SP2 only, and still uses DES for 
cross-realm relationship by default. You have to install the Windows 
2003 Resource kit*service pack2* to change this setting, using ktpass 
ktpass /MITRealmName DOMAINE.UNIX /TrustEncryp RC4

BOFH excuse #85:

Windows 95 undocumented "feature"

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