JBoss Negotiate

n.s.krishnawat@gmail.com n.s.krishnawat at gmail.com
Fri Mar 20 13:29:30 EDT 2009

On Mar 20, 8:45 am, Thomas Maslen <Thomas.Mas... at quest.com> wrote:
> > [...] I am using SPNEGO for silent authentication. Referringhttps://www.jboss.org/community/docs/DOC-10680 [...] Am I doing anything fundamentally wrong
> With the caveat that I have only had a cursory look [we have our own product that supports SPNEGO and other GSSAPI / Kerberos goodness on various Java app servers (including JBoss) so we don't use the JBoss Negotiate code, nor its setup instructions]...  I _think_ the problem is that the setup instructions you followed implicitly assume that the machine where you are installing JBoss Negotiate is *not* joined to an Active Directory domain[*], and bad things happen if you try to use those same setup instructions for a machine that is joined to the Active Directory domain -- you end up with two different objects in AD that both want to be the HOST principal, e.g. HOST/PASKTABSVR1.wamtest.wa.local in your example.  (And you are going even further than that;  the machine that you're using for JBoss Negotiate isn't just any member of the AD domain, it is actually a domain controller).
> [*] A plausible guess would be that the instructions were developed for running JBoss Negotiate on a Unix or Linux (e.g. Redhat...) host that is likely _not_ configured to enable MIT Kerberos (or whatever), so the host is not joined to the AD domain.

I really didn't get what you meant by " ....the machine where you are
installing JBoss Negotiate is *not* joined to an Active Directory
domain[*],..... ", As far as I know any machine or user in a
particular domain will be the part of active directory.  Ya I can
separate JBOSS machine from the AD (KDC), ie I will create new machine
in same domain and install JBOSS and test, hope this helps !
I actually didnt got what you meant by word "joined". I am
misunderstanding something..

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