Adding users with a script

Jason Edgecombe jason at
Sun Dec 27 16:20:37 EST 2009

Jaap Winius wrote:
> Hi all,
> If you have 1,000 user names and passwords to add to an MIT Kerberos V 
> database on a Linux system, you could add them all manually with kadmin, 
> but that would be a terrible waste of time. The proper way would be to 
> automate this process with a script, but I have no idea how.
ssh to your master kdc and runthe following as root:
    kadmin.local -q "addprinc -randkey username"
for each user to create a userwith a random password

With a few lines of scripting, you can automate that.

If you have a keytab for an admin account, then you don't have to ssh to 
the kdc, and you can use normal kadmin instead of kadmin.local.


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