KRB5 & Sun Solaris 9

McGranahan, Jamen jamen.mcgranahan at Vanderbilt.Edu
Wed Apr 22 16:12:51 EDT 2009

What options to configure did you use?
-- $ ./configure CC=gcc --prefix=/usr/local/krb5-1.6.3

Where is the krb5.conf?
-- /etc/krb5

Is it world readable?
-- unknown

Firewall issues?
-- I've wondered about that, but thought I would check here first.

Is you realm name DS.VANDERBILT.EDU?
-- yes

Is  the KDC for DS.VANDERBUILT.ED  Windows AD?
-- yes (I've got 2 other Sun boxes setup already with the same settings,
but they're running Sun Solaris 10)

Jamen McGranahan
Systems Services Librarian
Vanderbilt University

> ***********************************
> * Jamen McGranahan 
> * Systems Services Librarian 
> * Library Information Technology Services
> * Vanderbilt University
> * Suite 700
> * 110 21st Avenue South
> * Nashville, TN  37240
> * (615) 343-1614
> * (615) 343-8834 (fax)
> * jamen.mcgranahan at
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