Kerberize MS Exchange?

Luke Scharf luke.scharf at
Tue Oct 14 14:34:44 EDT 2008

Victor Sudakov wrote:
> Is there anyone for whom Thunderbird with GSSAPI really works?
> I hope it is not just theory, someone is using it or has tested it?

I use Thunderbird with GSSAPI with Dovecot on my home-network.  It works 
nicely.  The only weird thing was that they used the term "Secure 
Authentication" -- instead of "GSSAPI" or "Kerberos5" or "krb5".

I haven't figured out if there's a way to have Thunderbird use GSSAPI 
for SMTP.  I haven't looked closely, since I need to unlock my keystore 
before sending message to retrieve S/MIME keys -- so pulling out a 
password for smtp authentication isn't an inconvenience.  I do like the 
elegance of making everything Kerberos-happy, though.


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