Reusing existing people-entries for the LDAP-backend

Michael Calmer mc at
Wed May 14 11:12:30 EDT 2008


Am Mittwoch, 14. Mai 2008 schrieb Martin Schuster:
> Using the two documents that I linked in
> <g0e35v$h19$1 at> today,
> I
> managed to get Kerberos to store it's database in LDAP.
> Only issue that I've encountered:
> I want to reuse the existing entries in our ou=people tree, and in order to
> do so I can of course use
> kdb5_ldap_util [...] modify -subtrees 'ou=people,[...]'
> to get Kerberos to look for the krbPrincipalName in that tree.
> But if I now add a principal by first setting the krbPrincipalName
> of the user in ou=people, and then issuing
> kadmin.local -q 'addprinc joeuser'
> the additional attributes (e.g. krbPrincipalKey) are still stored in
> the Kerberos container tree.

You have to tell addprinc where to store this user by using 

  addprinc -x dn=<dn to user object> joeuser

See also man kadmin.

> I tried to use ou=people as container tree by issuing
> kdb5_ldap_util [...] modify -containerref 'ou=people,[...]'
> but then addprinc complains:
> add_principal: Principal or policy already exists while creating
> "joeuser@[...].COM".
> Is there a way to get all data into the people-tree?
> I'm not too afraid to hack around in plugins/kdb/ldap/ if necessary,
> but would be glad if you could give me some hints what I'd need
> to do there :)
> tia,


	Michael Calmer

Michael Calmer
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, D-90409 Nuernberg
T: +49 (0) 911 74053 0
F: +49 (0) 911 74053575  - e-mail: Michael.Calmer at
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg)

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