More fun with Russ' pam_krb5
Coy Hile
coy.hile at
Tue Mar 11 21:24:01 EDT 2008
On Tue, 11 Mar 2008, Russ Allbery wrote:
> If you track down why KRB5CCNAME isn't being set properly to point to your
> current ticket cache before spawning xscreensaver, that will fix the rest
> of the problem, I think.
Ok, that's strange. I just logged back out of my desktop session and back
in, and I get the following:
[21:18:20]ganymede:~ % echo $KRB5CCNAME
[21:18:27]ganymede:~ %
which jives with what's in syslog:
Mar 11 21:18:10 ganymede dtlogin[23065]: [ID 584047 user.debug] (pam_krb5): hile: <unknown>: entry (0x1)
Mar 11 21:18:10 ganymede dtlogin[23065]: [ID 584047 user.debug] (pam_krb5): hile: initializing ticket cache /tmp/krb5cc_1000_tOaidT
Mar 11 21:18:10 ganymede dtlogin[23065]: [ID 584047 user.debug] (pam_krb5): hile: <unknown>: exit (success)
After locking and unlocking the screen, I see the same behaviour again:
[21:20:44]ganymede:~ % klist
klist: No credentials cache file found (ticket cache FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000_tOaidT)
[21:20:49]ganymede:~ % echo $KRB5CCNAME
[21:20:56]ganymede:~ %
and syslog shows pam_krb5 defaulting to the default ccache.
I haven't stepped through the code enough to know what else I can do to debug
this more. Any help you can give is appreciated.
Coy Hile
coy.hile at
"Unarmed combat is what we enter into when we have been foolish enough
not to have a weapon; careless enough to lose our weapon, or unlucky
enough to have broken our weapon"
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