KfW 3.2.2 and plink on Vista

petesea@bigfoot.com petesea at bigfoot.com
Wed Jul 30 04:43:20 EDT 2008

I have a Kerberos enabled version of PuTTY which works fine on XP using 
both KfW 3.1.0 and 3.2.2.   It also works fine on Vista using KfW 3.1.0.

But on Vista using KfW 3.2.2, plink triggers a Vista error popup with the 
following detailed info.

Is this a problem with KfW?  Or plink?  Or Vista?

Problem signature:
   Problem Event Name:	APPCRASH
   Application Name:	plink.exe
   Application Version:
   Application Timestamp:	442da71c
   Fault Module Name:	ntdll.dll
   Fault Module Version:	6.0.6001.18000
   Fault Module Timestamp:	4791a7a6
   Exception Code:	c0000005
   Exception Offset:	000659c3
   OS Version:	6.0.6001.
   Locale ID:	1033
   Additional Information 1:	0278
   Additional Information 2:	fca079b4ae336117388507dcafefd8fe
   Additional Information 3:	ed28
   Additional Information 4:	e4da8b766cc83f8ab38503727fc11ef0

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