Kerberos how to - Requesting comments

Jean-Yves Migeon jean-yves.migeon at
Fri Feb 1 11:28:16 EST 2008

Hello dear Kerberizers,

I just finished writing some kind of "guide" (I would rather call it a 
how-to) about MIT Kerberos, and I would like to have some constructive 
comments about it, in order to improve it further, and correct some 
mistakes you may find in it.

As I am no native speaker, and, in essence, a complete beginner in 
writing such documentation, please be patient with me. Just don't flame 
me right from the start :)

Its content can be basically divided into three parts:
- first one describes briefly Kerberos 5 protocol, with some home made 
pictures to illustrate it,
- second part explain and show a MIT Kerberos (1.5.1 version) 
installation, with some tips,
- third (and consequently, the biggest) part deals with Kerberos 
interaction with some commonly found services, like Apache and browsers, 
ssh, postgresql, the like.

One of the reason I wrote such an article was to summarize all the 
information I could gather during my adventures with Kerberos. While 
struggling to deploy a Kerberos LAN in my university (as student), I was 
making some notes when diving deeper and deeper in this complex 
protocol, in case it could help beginners.

I know that some parts of it are redundant with lengthy FAQs like 
. Anyway, I think it could help in other areas, especially for using and 
configuring services with Kerberos, as it was the most difficult part of 
this work.

You will find it at these addresses below (both links are exactly the same).

Thanking you in advance for your help and patience,

Best regards

Jean-Yves Migeon
4e annee - ESPCI -
jean-yves.migeon at

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