SSPI Kerberos for delegation
Douglas E. Engert
deengert at
Thu Dec 18 16:08:40 EST 2008
Kasparov wrote:
> Hi,
> We want the authentication to happen without providing credentials
> anywhere. For this we are planning to use Windows SSPI. Now the
> problem I am facing is once the authentication from client to server
> is successful, I want to use the
SSPI is based in the GSSAPI protocols and you can see what is
going on if you use a network trace program like Wireshark to see
the krb5 and gssapi traffic.
But SSPI while authenticating from the client to the server can do mutual
authentication so the server is authenticated to the client at the same time.
They exchanges a session key which can be used for encrypted traffic.
So it is not clear why you need to turn around and do another authentication.
The InitializeSecurityContect with the ISC_REQ_MUTUAL_AUTH flag,
and a call to QueryContextAttributes can be used to see if it did mutual
authentication or not.
> security context created in server to connect back and authenticate to
> the client. I am trying to find out if this thing is possible with
It is, but keep in mind that the client is a user using tickets, and the
server is using a keytab (actually the key is in the registry somewhere)
with the server's principal.
What gets delegated is a tgt for the user it can be use with SSPi to
authenticat to other servers. But if you try and have the
server using the delegated credentials delegate back to the client,
the client is running as a user not the LSA and does not have access to its
machine's credentials. The client does not have a long
term key but does have a TGT, and so you would have to use user2user
authentication. Never tried it with SSPI, but see:
or Google for AcceptSecurityContext user2user
> For this I have written an application (prototype) with client side
> and server side. I am connecting to the server and after successfully
> authentication at the server side I try to connect back (to the server
> component on the client
> machine, running in the same process and thread as client) using the
> same procedure I used in the client side. My understanding is since I
> have impersonated I will be able to authenticate the same user again.
> But I always get the error
> "No credentials are available in the security package" and the
> credentials might have expired. I have verified that both the user
> accounts are trusted for delegation and "cannot be delegated" tab is
> unchcked. Also both the servers are
> trusted for delegation for any service for Kerberos.
> I have tried doing this with NTLM and Kerberos. With NTLM it looks
> like the reverse connection is successful but after impersonation at
> the client side if I try to print the user name it says "Anonymous
> Logon". With Kerberos I am
> getting various errors (not enough memory, credentials are expired
> etc) and I am still working on that part. The reason I am trying with
> Kerberos is that I learned from some articles on Net that such a thing
> (delegation) is possible only
> with Kerberos.
> Surprisingly I am not able to find out a single working solution of
> this kind. I have pasted my entire code below. Can anyone help me on
> this and advise me on how this can be achieved ? Please see the code
> samples below:
> Client (Logged in user: win\gtambat)
> ***************************************************************************************
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <windows.h>
> #include <string.h>
> #include <malloc.h>
> #define SECURITY_WIN32 1
> #include <security.h>
> #pragma hdrstop
> //
> ====================================================================
> // IMPORTANT NOTICE -- Check out
> //
> // for the gory details of how this works
> //
> ====================================================================
> void auth( SOCKET s, CredHandle& cred, CtxtHandle& cliCtx,
> const char *tokenSource, const char *name = NULL,
> const char *pwd = NULL, const char *domain = NULL );
> PSecurityFunctionTable pf = NULL;
> void initSecLib( HINSTANCE& hSec );
> bool Ganesh_auth( SOCKET s, CredHandle& cred, CtxtHandle& srvCtx )
> {
> int rc;
> bool haveToken = true;
> SecPkgInfo *secPackInfo;
> int bytesReceived = 0, bytesSent = 0;
> char buf[256];
> DWORD bufsiz = sizeof buf;
> HANDLE threadRet;
> puts( "auth() entered" );
> rc = (pf->QuerySecurityPackageInfo)( "Kerberos", &secPackInfo );
> printf( "QSPI(): %08xh\n", rc );
> if ( rc != SEC_E_OK )
> haveToken = false;
> TimeStamp useBefore;
> rc = (pf->AcquireCredentialsHandle)( NULL, "Kerberos",
> NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &cred, &useBefore );
> rc = GetLastError();
> printf( "ACH(): %08xh\n", rc );
> if ( rc != SEC_E_OK )
> haveToken = false;
> // input and output buffers
> SecBufferDesc obd, ibd;
> SecBuffer ob, ib;
> DWORD ctxAttr;
> bool haveContext = false;
> while ( 1 )
> {
> // prepare to get the server's response
> ibd.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION;
> ibd.cBuffers = 1;
> ibd.pBuffers = &ib; // just one buffer
> ib.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; // preping a token here
> // receive the client's POD
> // MACHINE-DEPENDENT CODE! (Besides, we assume that we
> // get the length with a single read, which is not guaranteed)
> recv( s, (char *) &ib.cbBuffer, sizeof ib.cbBuffer, 0 );
> bytesReceived += sizeof ib.cbBuffer;
> ib.pvBuffer = LocalAlloc( 0, ib.cbBuffer );
> char *p = (char *) ib.pvBuffer;
> int n = ib.cbBuffer;
> while ( n )
> {
> rc = recv( s, p, n, 0 );
> // if ( rc == SOCKET_ERROR )
> // wserr( rc, "recv" );
> // if ( rc == 0 )
> // wserr( 999, "recv" );
> bytesReceived += rc;
> n -= rc;
> p += rc;
> }
> // by now we have an input buffer
> obd.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION;
> obd.cBuffers = 1;
> obd.pBuffers = &ob; // just one buffer
> ob.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; // preping a token here
> ob.cbBuffer = secPackInfo->cbMaxToken;
> ob.pvBuffer = LocalAlloc( 0, ob.cbBuffer );
> // rc = (pf->AcceptSecurityContext)( &cred, haveContext? &srvCtx:
> // &ibd, 0, SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP, &srvCtx, &obd, &ctxAttr,
> // &useBefore );
> rc = (pf->AcceptSecurityContext)( &cred, haveContext? &srvCtx: NULL,
> &obd, &ctxAttr,
> &useBefore );
> printf( "ASC(): %08xh\n", rc );
> if ( ib.pvBuffer != NULL )
> {
> LocalFree( ib.pvBuffer );
> ib.pvBuffer = NULL;
> }
> if ( rc == SEC_I_COMPLETE_AND_CONTINUE || rc ==
> {
> if ( pf->CompleteAuthToken != NULL ) // only if implemented
> (pf->CompleteAuthToken)( &srvCtx, &obd );
> if ( rc == SEC_I_COMPLETE_NEEDED )
> rc = SEC_E_OK;
> else if ( rc == SEC_I_COMPLETE_AND_CONTINUE )
> }
> // send the output buffer off to the server
> // warning -- this is machine-dependent! FIX IT!
> if ( rc == SEC_E_OK || rc == SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED )
> {
> if ( ob.cbBuffer != 0 )
> {
> send( s, (const char *) &ob.cbBuffer, sizeof ob.cbBuffer, 0 );
> bytesSent += sizeof ob.cbBuffer;
> send( s, (const char *) ob.pvBuffer, ob.cbBuffer, 0 );
> bytesSent += ob.cbBuffer;
> }
> LocalFree( ob.pvBuffer );
> ob.pvBuffer = NULL;
> }
> if ( rc != SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED )
> break;
> haveContext = true;
> // loop back for another round
> puts( "looping" );
> }
> // we arrive here as soon as InitializeSecurityContext()
> // returns != SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED.
> if ( rc != SEC_E_OK )
> {
> printf( "Oops! ASC() returned %08xh!\n", rc );
> haveToken = false;
> }
> rc = GetLastError();
> GetUserName( buf, &bufsiz );
> // now we try to use the context
> rc = (pf->ImpersonateSecurityContext)( &srvCtx );
> printf( "ImpSC(): %08xh\n", rc );
> if ( rc != SEC_E_OK )
> {
> printf( "Oops! ImpSC() returns %08xh!\n", rc );
> haveToken = false;
> }
> else
> {
> char buf[256];
> DWORD bufsiz = sizeof buf;
> GetUserName( buf, &bufsiz );
> printf( "user name: \"%s\"\n", buf );
> (pf->RevertSecurityContext)( &srvCtx );
> printf( "RSC(): %08xh\n", rc );
> }
> (pf->FreeContextBuffer)( secPackInfo );
> printf( "auth() exiting (%d received, %d sent)\n", bytesReceived,
> bytesSent );
> return haveToken;
> }
> int Ganesh_Server_Impl()
> {
> int rc, port = 12000, addrlen;
> bool haveToken;
> SOCKET sock, s;
> WSADATA wsadata;
> initSecLib( hSecLib );
> rc = WSAStartup( 2, &wsadata );
> // wserr( rc, "WSAStartup" );
> sock = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 );
> if ( sock == INVALID_SOCKET )
> {
> rc = -1;
> }
> else
> {
> rc = 0;
> }
> // wserr( 999, "socket" );
> addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
> addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
> // try numeric protocol first
> if ( port > 0 && port < 32768 )
> addr.sin_port = htons( (short) port );
> else
> {
> }
> rc = bind( sock, (SOCKADDR *) &addr, sizeof addr );
> // wserr( rc, "bind" );
> rc = listen( sock, 2 );
> // wserr( rc, "listen" );
> CredHandle cred;
> CtxtHandle srvCtx;
> while ( 1 )
> {
> addrlen = sizeof addr;
> s = accept( sock, (SOCKADDR *) &addr, &addrlen );
> if ( s == INVALID_SOCKET )
> {
> rc = -1;
> }
> else
> {
> rc = 0;
> }
> // wserr( s, "accept" );
> haveToken = Ganesh_auth( s, cred, srvCtx );
> // now we talk to the client
> printf( "haveToken = %s\n\n", haveToken? "true": "false" );
> send( s, (const char *) &haveToken, sizeof haveToken, 0 );
> // clean up
> (pf->DeleteSecurityContext)( &srvCtx );
> (pf->FreeCredentialHandle)( &cred );
> closesocket( s );
> }
> }
> // wserr() displays winsock errors and aborts. No grace there.
> void wserr( int rc, const char * const funcname )
> {
> if ( rc == 0 )
> return;
> fprintf( stderr, "\nWinsock error %d [gle %d] returned by %s().\n"
> "Sorry, no bonus!\n", rc, WSAGetLastError(), funcname );
> WSACleanup();
> exit( rc );
> }
> void auth( SOCKET s, CredHandle& cred, CtxtHandle& cliCtx,
> const char *tokenSource, const char *name /* = NULL */,
> const char *pwd /* = NULL */, const char *domain /* = NULL */ )
> {
> int rc, rcISC;
> SecPkgInfo *secPackInfo;
> int bytesReceived = 0, bytesSent = 0;
> puts( "auth() entered" );
> // the arguments to ISC() is not const ... for once, I decided
> // on creating writable copies instead of using a brutalizing cast.
> char *myTokenSource;
> myTokenSource = _strdup( tokenSource );
> if ( name != NULL )
> {
> nameAndPwd = (SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY *) malloc( sizeof
> memset( nameAndPwd, '\0', sizeof *nameAndPwd );
> nameAndPwd->Domain = (byte *) _strdup( domain? domain: "" );
> nameAndPwd->DomainLength = domain? strlen( domain ): 0;
> nameAndPwd->User = (byte *) _strdup( name? name: "" );
> nameAndPwd->UserLength = name? strlen( name ): 0;
> nameAndPwd->Password = (byte *) _strdup( pwd? pwd: "" );
> nameAndPwd->PasswordLength = pwd? strlen( pwd ): 0;
> }
> rc = (pf->QuerySecurityPackageInfo)( "Kerberos", &secPackInfo );
> printf( "QSPI(): %08xh\n", rc );
> TimeStamp useBefore;
> rc = (pf->AcquireCredentialsHandle)( NULL, "Kerberos",
> NULL, nameAndPwd, NULL, NULL, &cred, &useBefore );
> printf( "ACH(): %08xh\n", rc );
> // input and output buffers
> SecBufferDesc obd, ibd;
> SecBuffer ob, ib;
> DWORD ctxReq, ctxAttr;
> // from sspi.h:
> // #define ISC_REQ_DELEGATE 0x00000001
> // #define ISC_REQ_MUTUAL_AUTH 0x00000002
> // #define ISC_REQ_REPLAY_DETECT 0x00000004
> // #define ISC_REQ_SEQUENCE_DETECT 0x00000008
> // #define ISC_REQ_CONFIDENTIALITY 0x00000010
> // #define ISC_REQ_USE_SESSION_KEY 0x00000020
> // #define ISC_REQ_PROMPT_FOR_CREDS 0x00000040
> // #define ISC_REQ_USE_SUPPLIED_CREDS 0x00000080
> // #define ISC_REQ_ALLOCATE_MEMORY 0x00000100
> // #define ISC_REQ_USE_DCE_STYLE 0x00000200
> // #define ISC_REQ_DATAGRAM 0x00000400
> // #define ISC_REQ_CONNECTION 0x00000800
> // #define ISC_REQ_CALL_LEVEL 0x00001000
> // #define ISC_REQ_EXTENDED_ERROR 0x00004000
> // #define ISC_REQ_STREAM 0x00008000
> // #define ISC_REQ_INTEGRITY 0x00010000
> bool haveInbuffer = false;
> bool haveContext = false;
> ib.pvBuffer = NULL;
> while ( 1 )
> {
> obd.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION;
> obd.cBuffers = 1;
> obd.pBuffers = &ob; // just one buffer
> ob.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; // preping a token here
> ob.cbBuffer = secPackInfo->cbMaxToken;
> ob.pvBuffer = LocalAlloc( 0, ob.cbBuffer );
> rcISC = (pf->InitializeSecurityContext)( &cred, haveContext?
> &cliCtx: NULL,
> myTokenSource, ctxReq, 0, SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP /
> *SECURITY_NETWORK_DREP*/, haveInbuffer? &ibd: NULL,
> 0, &cliCtx, &obd, &ctxAttr, &useBefore );
> printf( "ISC(): %08xh\n", rcISC );
> if ( ib.pvBuffer != NULL )
> {
> LocalFree( ib.pvBuffer );
> ib.pvBuffer = NULL;
> }
> {
> if ( pf->CompleteAuthToken != NULL ) // only if implemented
> (pf->CompleteAuthToken)( &cliCtx, &obd );
> rcISC = SEC_E_OK;
> }
> // send the output buffer off to the server
> // warning -- this is machine-dependent! FIX IT!
> if ( ob.cbBuffer != 0 )
> {
> send( s, (const char *) &ob.cbBuffer, sizeof ob.cbBuffer, 0 );
> bytesSent += sizeof ob.cbBuffer;
> send( s, (const char *) ob.pvBuffer, ob.cbBuffer, 0 );
> bytesSent += ob.cbBuffer;
> }
> LocalFree( ob.pvBuffer );
> ob.pvBuffer = NULL;
> break;
> // prepare to get the server's response
> ibd.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION;
> ibd.cBuffers = 1;
> ibd.pBuffers = &ib; // just one buffer
> ib.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; // preping a token here
> // receive the server's response
> // MACHINE-DEPENDENT CODE! (Besides, we assume that we
> // get the length with a single read, which is not guaranteed)
> recv( s, (char *) &ib.cbBuffer, sizeof ib.cbBuffer, 0 );
> bytesReceived += sizeof ib.cbBuffer;
> ib.pvBuffer = LocalAlloc( 0, ib.cbBuffer );
> char *p = (char *) ib.pvBuffer;
> int n = ib.cbBuffer;
> while ( n )
> {
> rc = recv( s, p, n, 0 );
> if ( rc == SOCKET_ERROR )
> wserr( rc, "recv" );
> if ( rc == 0 )
> wserr( 999, "recv" );
> bytesReceived += rc;
> n -= rc;
> p += rc;
> }
> // by now we have an input buffer and a client context
> haveInbuffer = true;
> haveContext = true;
> // loop back for another round
> puts( "looping" );
> }
> // we arrive here as soon as InitializeSecurityContext()
> // returns != SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED.
> if ( rcISC != SEC_E_OK )
> printf( "Oops! ISC() returned %08xh!\n", rcISC );
> (pf->FreeContextBuffer)( secPackInfo );
> printf( "auth() exiting (%d sent, %d received)\n", bytesSent,
> bytesReceived );
> free( myTokenSource );
> if ( nameAndPwd != 0 )
> {
> if ( nameAndPwd->Domain != 0 )
> free( nameAndPwd->Domain );
> if ( nameAndPwd->User != 0 )
> free( nameAndPwd->User );
> if ( nameAndPwd->Password != 0 )
> free( nameAndPwd->Password );
> free( nameAndPwd );
> }
> }
> void initSecLib( HINSTANCE& hSec )
> {
> PSecurityFunctionTable (*pSFT)( void );
> hSec = LoadLibrary( "security.dll" );
> pSFT = (PSecurityFunctionTable (*)( void )) GetProcAddress( hSec,
> "InitSecurityInterfaceA" );
> if ( pSFT == NULL )
> {
> puts( "security.dll load messed up ..." );
> exit( 1 );
> }
> pf = pSFT();
> if ( pf == NULL )
> {
> puts( "no function table?!?" );
> exit( 1 );
> }
> }
> int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
> {
> int rc, port, i, errors;
> unsigned long naddr;
> SOCKET sock;
> WSADATA wsadata;
> //const char *tokenSource = "Authsamp", *server = "server-machine";
> const char *tokenSource = "win\\gtambat1", *server = "server-
> machine";
> const char *portstr = "11000", *user = 0, *pwd = 0, *domain = 0;
> errors = 0;
> for ( i = 1; i < argc; ++ i )
> {
> if ( argv[i][0] != '-' && argv[i][0] != '/' )
> {
> printf( "\"%s\" is not a valid switch.\n", argv[i] );
> ++ errors;
> continue;
> }
> switch ( argv[i][1] )
> {
> case 's':
> if ( i >= argc - 1 )
> {
> printf( "\"%s\" requires an argument.\n", argv[i] );
> ++ errors;
> }
> else if ( server != 0 )
> {
> printf( "\"%s\" has already been used.\n", argv[i ++] );
> ++ errors;
> }
> else
> server = argv[++ i];
> break;
> case 'p':
> if ( i >= argc - 1 )
> {
> printf( "\"%s\" requires an argument.\n", argv[i] );
> ++ errors;
> }
> else if ( portstr != 0 )
> {
> printf( "\"%s\" has already been used.\n", argv[i ++] );
> ++ errors;
> }
> else
> portstr = argv[++ i];
> break;
> case 't':
> if ( i >= argc - 1 )
> {
> printf( "\"%s\" requires an argument.\n", argv[i] );
> ++ errors;
> }
> else if ( tokenSource != 0 )
> {
> printf( "\"%s\" has already been used.\n", argv[i ++] );
> ++ errors;
> }
> else
> tokenSource = argv[++ i];
> break;
> case 'd':
> if ( i >= argc - 1 )
> {
> printf( "\"%s\" requires an argument.\n", argv[i] );
> ++ errors;
> }
> else if ( domain != 0 )
> {
> printf( "\"%s\" has already been used.\n", argv[i ++] );
> ++ errors;
> }
> else
> domain = argv[++ i];
> break;
> case 'u':
> if ( i >= argc - 2 )
> {
> printf( "\"%s\" requires two arguments.\n", argv[i ++] );
> ++ errors;
> }
> else if ( user != 0 )
> {
> printf( "\"%s\" has already been used.\n", argv[i] );
> i += 2;
> ++ errors;
> }
> else
> {
> user = argv[++ i];
> pwd = argv[++ i];
> }
> break;
> default:
> printf( "\"%s\" is not a valid switch.\n", argv[i] );
> ++ errors;
> break;
> }
> }
> if ( server == 0 )
> {
> puts( "A server name or IP address must be specified." );
> ++ errors;
> }
> if ( portstr == 0 )
> {
> puts( "A port name or port number must be specified." );
> ++ errors;
> }
> if ( user == 0 && domain != 0 )
> puts( "No user name was specified, ignoring the domain." );
> if ( errors )
> {
> puts( "\nusage: client -s -p serverport" );
> puts( " [-t token-source] [-u user pwd [-d domain]]" );
> puts( "token-source is _required_ for Kerberos and should be
> your" );
> puts( "current logon name (e.g., \"MYDOMAIN\\felixk\")." );
> puts( "If -u is absent, your current credentials will be used." );
> return 1;
> }
> initSecLib( hSecLib );
> rc = WSAStartup( 2, &wsadata );
> wserr( rc, "WSAStartup" );
> sock = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 );
> if ( sock == INVALID_SOCKET )
> wserr( 999, "socket" );
> addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
> // try numeric IP address first (inet_addr)
> naddr = inet_addr( server );
> if ( naddr != INADDR_NONE )
> {
> addr.sin_addr.s_addr = naddr;
> }
> else
> {
> phe = gethostbyname( server );
> if ( phe == NULL )
> wserr( 1, "gethostbyname" );
> addr.sin_addr.s_addr = *( (unsigned long *) (phe->h_addr) );
> memcpy( (char *) &addr.sin_addr, phe->h_addr, phe->h_length );
> }
> // try numeric protocol first
> port = atoi( portstr );
> if ( port > 0 && port < 32768 )
> addr.sin_port = htons( (short) port );
> else
> {
> pse = getservbyname( portstr, "tcp" );
> if ( pse == NULL )
> wserr( 1, "getservbyname" );
> addr.sin_port = pse->s_port;
> }
> CredHandle cred;
> CtxtHandle cliCtx;
> rc = connect( sock, (SOCKADDR *) &addr, sizeof addr );
> wserr( rc, "connect" );
> struct sockaddr name;
> int namelen = sizeof name;;
> rc = getsockname( sock, &name, &namelen );
> wserr( rc, "getsockname()" );
> printf( "I am %u.%u.%u.%u\n", (unsigned int) (unsigned char)
> name.sa_data[2],
> (unsigned int) (unsigned char) name.sa_data[3], (unsigned int)
> (unsigned char) name.sa_data[4],
> (unsigned int) (unsigned char) name.sa_data[5] );
> auth( sock, cred, cliCtx, tokenSource, user, pwd, server ); // this
> does the real work
> // Added by Ganesh
> //auth( sock, cred, cliCtx, tokenSource, "ganesh", "ganesh", "client-
> machine" ); // this does the real work
> // use the authenticated connection here
> bool haveToken = false;
> rc = recv( sock, (char *) &haveToken, sizeof haveToken, 0 );
> if ( rc != sizeof haveToken )
> wserr( 999, "result-recv" );
> if ( haveToken )
> puts( "That seems to have worked." );
> else
> puts( "Oops! Wrong user name or password?" );
> // the server is probably impersonating us by now
> // this is where the client and server talk business
> // clean up
> (pf->DeleteSecurityContext)( &cliCtx );
> (pf->FreeCredentialHandle)( &cred );
> rc = closesocket( sock );
> wserr( rc, "closesocket" );
> rc = WSACleanup();
> wserr( rc, "WSACleanup" );
> int j;
> puts("/n/n Should I start server implemenation within client ?: ");
> scanf("%d",&j);
> rc = Ganesh_Server_Impl();
> __try
> {
> FreeLibrary( hSecLib );
> }
> __except ( 1 )
> {
> puts( "Freelibrary( security.dll ) caused an access violation.
> Yuck." );
> }
> return 0;
> }
> ***************************************************************************************
> Server (Logged in user win\gtambat1)
> ***************************************************************************************
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <windows.h>
> #include <string.h>
> #include <malloc.h>
> #define SECURITY_WIN32 1
> #include <sspi.h>
> //#include <issperr.h> // uncomment if you have an old Platform SDK
> #pragma hdrstop
> //
> ====================================================================
> // IMPORTANT NOTICE -- Check out
> //
> // for the gory details of how this works
> //
> ====================================================================
> PSecurityFunctionTable pf = NULL;
> int Ganesh_Client_Impl(CtxtHandle &srvCtx);
> void initSecLib( HINSTANCE& hSec );
> void Ganesh_auth( SOCKET s, CredHandle& cred, CtxtHandle& cliCtx,
> const char *tokenSource, const char *name /* = NULL */,
> const char *pwd /* = NULL */, const char *domain /* = NULL */ );
> void Ganesh_auth( SOCKET s, CredHandle& cred, CtxtHandle& cliCtx,
> const char *tokenSource, const char *name /* = NULL */,
> const char *pwd /* = NULL */, const char *domain /* = NULL */ )
> {
> int rc, rcISC;
> SecPkgInfo *secPackInfo;
> int bytesReceived = 0, bytesSent = 0;
> //puts( "auth() entered" );
> // the arguments to ISC() is not const ... for once, I decided
> // on creating writable copies instead of using a brutalizing cast.
> char *myTokenSource;
> myTokenSource = _strdup( tokenSource );
> if ( name != NULL )
> {
> nameAndPwd = (SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY *) malloc( sizeof
> memset( nameAndPwd, '\0', sizeof *nameAndPwd );
> nameAndPwd->Domain = (byte *) _strdup( domain? domain: "" );
> nameAndPwd->DomainLength = domain? strlen( domain ): 0;
> nameAndPwd->User = (byte *) _strdup( name? name: "" );
> nameAndPwd->UserLength = name? strlen( name ): 0;
> nameAndPwd->Password = (byte *) _strdup( pwd? pwd: "" );
> nameAndPwd->PasswordLength = pwd? strlen( pwd ): 0;
> }
> rc = (pf->QuerySecurityPackageInfo)( "kerberos", &secPackInfo );
> //printf( "QSPI(): %08xh\n", rc );
> TimeStamp useBefore;
> rc = GetLastError();
> rc = (pf->AcquireCredentialsHandle)( NULL, "kerberos",
> NULL, nameAndPwd, NULL, NULL, &cred, &useBefore );
> //printf( "ACH(): %08xh\n", rc );
> rc = GetLastError();
> // input and output buffers
> SecBufferDesc obd, ibd;
> SecBuffer ob, ib;
> DWORD ctxReq, ctxAttr;
> // from sspi.h:
> // #define ISC_REQ_DELEGATE 0x00000001
> // #define ISC_REQ_MUTUAL_AUTH 0x00000002
> // #define ISC_REQ_REPLAY_DETECT 0x00000004
> // #define ISC_REQ_SEQUENCE_DETECT 0x00000008
> // #define ISC_REQ_CONFIDENTIALITY 0x00000010
> // #define ISC_REQ_USE_SESSION_KEY 0x00000020
> // #define ISC_REQ_PROMPT_FOR_CREDS 0x00000040
> // #define ISC_REQ_USE_SUPPLIED_CREDS 0x00000080
> // #define ISC_REQ_ALLOCATE_MEMORY 0x00000100
> // #define ISC_REQ_USE_DCE_STYLE 0x00000200
> // #define ISC_REQ_DATAGRAM 0x00000400
> // #define ISC_REQ_CONNECTION 0x00000800
> // #define ISC_REQ_CALL_LEVEL 0x00001000
> // #define ISC_REQ_EXTENDED_ERROR 0x00004000
> // #define ISC_REQ_STREAM 0x00008000
> // #define ISC_REQ_INTEGRITY 0x00010000
> bool haveInbuffer = false;
> bool haveContext = false;
> ib.pvBuffer = NULL;
> while ( 1 )
> {
> obd.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION;
> obd.cBuffers = 1;
> obd.pBuffers = &ob; // just one buffer
> ob.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; // preping a token here
> ob.cbBuffer = secPackInfo->cbMaxToken;
> ob.pvBuffer = LocalAlloc( 0, ob.cbBuffer );
> rcISC = (pf->InitializeSecurityContext)( &cred, haveContext?
> &cliCtx: NULL,
> myTokenSource, ctxReq, 0, SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP /
> *SECURITY_NETWORK_DREP*/, haveInbuffer? &ibd: NULL,
> 0, &cliCtx, &obd, &ctxAttr, &useBefore );
> // printf( "ISC(): %08xh\n", rcISC );
> if ( ib.pvBuffer != NULL )
> {
> LocalFree( ib.pvBuffer );
> ib.pvBuffer = NULL;
> }
> {
> if ( pf->CompleteAuthToken != NULL ) // only if implemented
> (pf->CompleteAuthToken)( &cliCtx, &obd );
> rcISC = SEC_E_OK;
> }
> // send the output buffer off to the server
> // warning -- this is machine-dependent! FIX IT!
> if ( ob.cbBuffer != 0 )
> {
> send( s, (const char *) &ob.cbBuffer, sizeof ob.cbBuffer, 0 );
> bytesSent += sizeof ob.cbBuffer;
> send( s, (const char *) ob.pvBuffer, ob.cbBuffer, 0 );
> bytesSent += ob.cbBuffer;
> }
> LocalFree( ob.pvBuffer );
> ob.pvBuffer = NULL;
> break;
> // prepare to get the server's response
> ibd.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION;
> ibd.cBuffers = 1;
> ibd.pBuffers = &ib; // just one buffer
> ib.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; // preping a token here
> // receive the server's response
> // MACHINE-DEPENDENT CODE! (Besides, we assume that we
> // get the length with a single read, which is not guaranteed)
> rc = recv( s, (char *) &ib.cbBuffer, sizeof ib.cbBuffer, 0 );
> bytesReceived += sizeof ib.cbBuffer;
> ib.pvBuffer = LocalAlloc( 0, ib.cbBuffer );
> char *p = (char *) ib.pvBuffer;
> int n = ib.cbBuffer;
> while ( n )
> {
> rc = recv( s, p, n, 0 );
> // if ( rc == SOCKET_ERROR )
> // wserr( rc, "recv" );
> // if ( rc == 0 )
> // wserr( 999, "recv" );
> bytesReceived += rc;
> n -= rc;
> p += rc;
> }
> // by now we have an input buffer and a client context
> haveInbuffer = true;
> haveContext = true;
> // loop back for another round
> // puts( "looping" );
> }
> // we arrive here as soon as InitializeSecurityContext()
> // returns != SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED.
> if ( rcISC != SEC_E_OK )
> {
> printf( "Oops! ISC() returned %08xh!\n", rcISC );
> }
> (pf->FreeContextBuffer)( secPackInfo );
> //printf( "auth() exiting (%d sent, %d received)\n", bytesSent,
> bytesReceived );
> free( myTokenSource );
> if ( nameAndPwd != 0 )
> {
> if ( nameAndPwd->Domain != 0 )
> free( nameAndPwd->Domain );
> if ( nameAndPwd->User != 0 )
> free( nameAndPwd->User );
> if ( nameAndPwd->Password != 0 )
> free( nameAndPwd->Password );
> free( nameAndPwd );
> }
> }
> // wserr() displays winsock errors and aborts. No grace there.
> void wserr( int rc, const char * const funcname )
> {
> if ( rc == 0 )
> return;
> fprintf( stderr, "\nWinsock error %d [gle %d] returned by %s().\n"
> "Sorry, no bonus!\n", rc, WSAGetLastError(), funcname );
> WSACleanup();
> exit( rc );
> }
> bool auth( SOCKET s, CredHandle& cred, CtxtHandle& srvCtx )
> {
> int rc;
> bool haveToken = true;
> SecPkgInfo *secPackInfo;
> int bytesReceived = 0, bytesSent = 0;
> char buf[256];
> DWORD bufsiz = sizeof buf;
> puts( "auth() entered" );
> rc = (pf->QuerySecurityPackageInfo)( "kerberos", &secPackInfo );
> printf( "QSPI(): %08xh\n", rc );
> if ( rc != SEC_E_OK )
> haveToken = false;
> TimeStamp useBefore;
> rc = (pf->AcquireCredentialsHandle)( NULL, "kerberos",
> NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &cred, &useBefore );
> // rc = (pf->AcquireCredentialsHandle)( NULL, "kerberos",
> // NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &cred, &useBefore );
> printf( "ACH(): %08xh\n", rc );
> if ( rc != SEC_E_OK )
> haveToken = false;
> // input and output buffers
> SecBufferDesc obd, ibd;
> SecBuffer ob, ib;
> DWORD ctxAttr;
> bool haveContext = false;
> while ( 1 )
> {
> // prepare to get the server's response
> ibd.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION;
> ibd.cBuffers = 1;
> ibd.pBuffers = &ib; // just one buffer
> ib.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; // preping a token here
> // receive the client's POD
> // MACHINE-DEPENDENT CODE! (Besides, we assume that we
> // get the length with a single read, which is not guaranteed)
> recv( s, (char *) &ib.cbBuffer, sizeof ib.cbBuffer, 0 );
> bytesReceived += sizeof ib.cbBuffer;
> ib.pvBuffer = LocalAlloc( 0, ib.cbBuffer );
> char *p = (char *) ib.pvBuffer;
> int n = ib.cbBuffer;
> while ( n )
> {
> rc = recv( s, p, n, 0 );
> if ( rc == SOCKET_ERROR )
> wserr( rc, "recv" );
> if ( rc == 0 )
> wserr( 999, "recv" );
> bytesReceived += rc;
> n -= rc;
> p += rc;
> }
> // by now we have an input buffer
> obd.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION;
> obd.cBuffers = 1;
> obd.pBuffers = &ob; // just one buffer
> ob.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; // preping a token here
> ob.cbBuffer = secPackInfo->cbMaxToken;
> ob.pvBuffer = LocalAlloc( 0, ob.cbBuffer );
> rc = (pf->AcceptSecurityContext)( &cred, haveContext? &srvCtx: NULL,
> *SECURITY_NETWORK_DREP*/, &srvCtx, &obd, &ctxAttr,
> &useBefore );
> printf( "ASC(): %08xh\n", rc );
> if ( ib.pvBuffer != NULL )
> {
> LocalFree( ib.pvBuffer );
> ib.pvBuffer = NULL;
> }
> if ( rc == SEC_I_COMPLETE_AND_CONTINUE || rc ==
> {
> if ( pf->CompleteAuthToken != NULL ) // only if implemented
> (pf->CompleteAuthToken)( &srvCtx, &obd );
> if ( rc == SEC_I_COMPLETE_NEEDED )
> rc = SEC_E_OK;
> else if ( rc == SEC_I_COMPLETE_AND_CONTINUE )
> }
> // send the output buffer off to the server
> // warning -- this is machine-dependent! FIX IT!
> if ( rc == SEC_E_OK || rc == SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED )
> {
> if ( ob.cbBuffer != 0 )
> {
> send( s, (const char *) &ob.cbBuffer, sizeof ob.cbBuffer, 0 );
> bytesSent += sizeof ob.cbBuffer;
> send( s, (const char *) ob.pvBuffer, ob.cbBuffer, 0 );
> bytesSent += ob.cbBuffer;
> }
> LocalFree( ob.pvBuffer );
> ob.pvBuffer = NULL;
> }
> if ( rc != SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED )
> break;
> haveContext = true;
> // loop back for another round
> puts( "looping" );
> }
> // we arrive here as soon as InitializeSecurityContext()
> // returns != SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED.
> if ( rc != SEC_E_OK )
> {
> printf( "Oops! ASC() returned %08xh!\n", rc );
> haveToken = false;
> }
> GetUserName( buf, &bufsiz );
> // now we try to use the context
> rc = (pf->ImpersonateSecurityContext)( &srvCtx );
> printf( "ImpSC(): %08xh\n", rc );
> if ( rc != SEC_E_OK )
> {
> printf( "Oops! ImpSC() returns %08xh!\n", rc );
> haveToken = false;
> }
> else
> {
> char buf[256];
> DWORD bufsiz = sizeof buf;
> printf( "haveToken = %s\n\n", haveToken? "true": "false" );
> send( s, (const char *) &haveToken, sizeof haveToken, 0 );
> GetUserName( buf, &bufsiz );
> printf( "user name: \"%s\"\n", buf );
> //(pf->RevertSecurityContext)( &srvCtx );
> printf( "RSC(): %08xh\n", rc );
> }
> //(pf->FreeContextBuffer)( secPackInfo );
> printf( "auth() exiting (%d received, %d sent)\n", bytesReceived,
> bytesSent );
> return haveToken;
> }
> int Ganesh_Client_Impl(CtxtHandle &srvCtx)
> {
> char buf[256];
> DWORD bufsiz = sizeof buf;
> int rc = 0;
> //CtxtHandle tmpCtx = srvCtx;
> SecPkgContext_Lifespan lspan;
> rc = (pf->QueryContextAttributes)(&srvCtx, SECPKG_ATTR_LIFESPAN,
> &lspan);
> rc = GetLastError();
> GetUserName( buf, &bufsiz );
> //rc = (pf->ImpersonateSecurityContext)( &srvCtx );
> rc = GetLastError();
> GetUserName( buf, &bufsiz );
> int port, i, errors;
> unsigned long naddr;
> SOCKET sock;
> WSADATA wsadata;
> const char *tokenSource = "win\\gtambat", *server = "client-machine";
> //const char *tokenSource = "PUN\\gtambat"/*"Authsamp"*/, *server =
> "client-machine";
> const char *portstr = "12000", *user = 0, *pwd = 0, *domain = 0;
> errors = 0;
> if ( server == 0 )
> {
> //puts( "A server name or IP address must be specified." );
> ++ errors;
> }
> if ( portstr == 0 )
> {
> //puts( "A port name or port number must be specified." );
> ++ errors;
> }
> if ( user == 0 && domain != 0 )
> {
> }
> // puts( "No user name was specified, ignoring the domain." );
> if ( errors )
> {
> /* puts( "\nusage: client -s -p serverport" );
> puts( " [-t token-source] [-u user pwd [-d domain]]" );
> puts( "token-source is _required_ for Kerberos and should be
> your" );
> puts( "current logon name (e.g., \"MYDOMAIN\\felixk\")." );
> puts( "If -u is absent, your current credentials will be used." );*/
> return 1;
> }
> initSecLib( hSecLib );
> rc = WSAStartup( 2, &wsadata );
> //wserr( rc, "WSAStartup" );
> sock = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 );
> if ( sock == INVALID_SOCKET )
> {
> rc = -1;
> }
> else
> {
> rc = 0;
> }
> addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
> // try numeric IP address first (inet_addr)
> naddr = inet_addr( server );
> if ( naddr != INADDR_NONE )
> {
> addr.sin_addr.s_addr = naddr;
> }
> else
> {
> phe = gethostbyname( server );
> // if ( phe == NULL )
> // wserr( 1, "gethostbyname" );
> addr.sin_addr.s_addr = *( (unsigned long *) (phe->h_addr) );
> memcpy( (char *) &addr.sin_addr, phe->h_addr, phe->h_length );
> }
> // try numeric protocol first
> port = atoi( portstr );
> if ( port > 0 && port < 32768 )
> addr.sin_port = htons( (short) port );
> else
> {
> pse = getservbyname( portstr, "tcp" );
> // if ( pse == NULL )
> // wserr( 1, "getservbyname" );
> addr.sin_port = pse->s_port;
> }
> CredHandle cred;
> CtxtHandle cliCtx;
> rc = connect( sock, (SOCKADDR *) &addr, sizeof addr );
> //wserr( rc, "connect" );
> struct sockaddr name;
> int namelen = sizeof name;;
> rc = getsockname( sock, &name, &namelen );
> /*wserr( rc, "getsockname()" );
> printf( "I am %u.%u.%u.%u\n", (unsigned int) (unsigned char)
> name.sa_data[2],
> (unsigned int) (unsigned char) name.sa_data[3], (unsigned int)
> (unsigned char) name.sa_data[4],
> (unsigned int) (unsigned char) name.sa_data[5] );*/
> Ganesh_auth( sock, cred, cliCtx, tokenSource, user, pwd, domain ); //
> this does the real work
> // use the authenticated connection here
> bool haveToken = false;
> rc = recv( sock, (char *) &haveToken, sizeof haveToken, 0 );
> if ( rc != sizeof haveToken )
> {
> rc = 999;
> }
> // wserr( 999, "result-recv" );
> if ( haveToken )
> puts( "That seems to have worked." );
> else
> puts( "Oops! Wrong user name or password?" );
> // the server is probably impersonating us by now
> // this is where the client and server talk business
> // clean up
> (pf->DeleteSecurityContext)( &cliCtx );
> (pf->FreeCredentialHandle)( &cred );
> rc = closesocket( sock );
> wserr( rc, "closesocket" );
> rc = WSACleanup();
> wserr( rc, "WSACleanup" );
> __try
> {
> FreeLibrary( hSecLib );
> }
> __except ( 1 )
> {
> // puts( "Freelibrary( security.dll ) caused an access violation.
> Yuck." );
> }
> return 0;
> }
> struct CapName
> {
> DWORD bits;
> const char *name;
> const char *comment;
> } capNames[] = {
> on messages" },
> (confidentiality)" },
> token needed" },
> support" },
> oriented RPC support" },
> leg required for re-auth." },
> functionality not available" },
> extended error msgs" },
> impersonation" },
> "Accepts Win32 names" },
> semantics" },
> the negotiate package" },
> Compatibility Available" },
> LsaLogonUser" },
> Buffers are in ASCII" },
> { 0xffffffffL, "(fence)", "(fence)" }
> };
> void initSecLib( HINSTANCE& hSec )
> {
> PSecurityFunctionTable (*pSFT)( void );
> hSec = LoadLibrary( "security.dll" );
> pSFT = (PSecurityFunctionTable (*)( void )) GetProcAddress( hSec,
> "InitSecurityInterfaceA" );
> if ( pSFT == NULL )
> {
> exit( 1 );
> }
> pf = pSFT();
> if ( pf == NULL )
> {
> exit( 1 );
> }
> DWORD numPacks = 0, i, j;
> SecPkgInfo *pPacks = NULL;
> rc = (pf->EnumerateSecurityPackages)( &numPacks, &pPacks );
> if ( rc != 0 )
> {
> exit( 1 );
> }
> for ( i = 0; i < numPacks; ++ i )
> {
> for ( j = 0; capNames[j].bits != 0xffffffffL; ++ j )
> {
> //if ( ( capNames[j].bits & pPacks[i].fCapabilities ) == capNames
> [j].bits )
> //printf( " %s (%s)\n", capNames[j].name, capNames
> [j].comment );
> }
> }
> if ( pPacks != NULL )
> (pf->FreeContextBuffer)( pPacks );
> }
> int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
> {
> int rc, port, addrlen;
> CtxtHandle srvCtx;
> bool haveToken;
> SOCKET sock, s;
> WSADATA wsadata;
> HANDLE threadRet;
> char buf[256];
> DWORD bufsiz = sizeof buf;
> if ( argc != 2 )
> {
> puts( "usage: server portnumber" );
> return 1;
> }
> initSecLib( hSecLib );
> rc = WSAStartup( 2, &wsadata );
> wserr( rc, "WSAStartup" );
> sock = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 );
> if ( sock == INVALID_SOCKET )
> wserr( 999, "socket" );
> addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
> addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
> // try numeric protocol first
> port = atoi( argv[1] );
> if ( port > 0 && port < 32768 )
> addr.sin_port = htons( (short) port );
> else
> {
> pse = getservbyname( argv[1], "tcp" );
> if ( pse == NULL )
> wserr( 1, "getservbyname" );
> addr.sin_port = pse->s_port;
> }
> rc = bind( sock, (SOCKADDR *) &addr, sizeof addr );
> wserr( rc, "bind" );
> rc = listen( sock, 2 );
> wserr( rc, "listen" );
> CredHandle cred;
> while ( 1 )
> {
> addrlen = sizeof addr;
> s = accept( sock, (SOCKADDR *) &addr, &addrlen );
> if ( s == INVALID_SOCKET )
> wserr( s, "accept" );
> haveToken = auth( s, cred, srvCtx );
> // now we talk to the client
> printf( "haveToken = %s\n\n", haveToken? "true": "false" );
> send( s, (const char *) &haveToken, sizeof haveToken, 0 );
> // clean up
> // Modified by Ganesh
> /*(pf->DeleteSecurityContext)( &srvCtx );
> (pf->FreeCredentialHandle)( &cred );
> closesocket( s );*/
> break;
> }
> int j;
> puts("/n/n Should I start client implemenation within server ?: ");
> scanf("%d",&j);
> LPVOID threadParam = &srvCtx;
> DWORD threadId;
> //HANDLE hTokenNew = NULL, hTokenDup = NULL;
> //ZeroMemory( &Pi,sizeof(Pi));
> //ZeroMemory( &Si, sizeof( STARTUPINFO ) );
> //Si.cb = sizeof( STARTUPINFO );
> // Si.lpDesktop = "winsta0\\default";
> //GetUserName( buf, &bufsiz );
> //rc = (pf->ImpersonateSecurityContext)( &srvCtx );
> //rc = GetLastError();
> //GetUserName( buf, &bufsiz );
> //rc = CreateProcess("C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\notepad.exe","C:\\WINDOWS
> \\system32\\notepad.exe", NULL, NULL, FALSE, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS,
> NULL, NULL, &Si, &Pi);
> rc = GetLastError();
> //threadRet = CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)
> Ganesh_Client_Impl, threadParam, 0, &threadId);
> j = Ganesh_Client_Impl(srvCtx);
> WaitForSingleObject(threadRet,INFINITE);
> CloseHandle( threadRet );
> FreeLibrary( hSecLib );
> return 0;
> }
> ***************************************************************************************
> ________________________________________________
> Kerberos mailing list Kerberos at
Douglas E. Engert <DEEngert at>
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Avenue
Argonne, Illinois 60439
(630) 252-5444
More information about the Kerberos
mailing list