advice on kerberizing products

Simon Wilkinson simon at
Wed Apr 23 16:17:08 EDT 2008

On 23 Apr 2008, at 20:23, Ken Hornstein wrote:
> 1) Dynamically load all Kerberos functions at runtime with dlopen() or
>    the equivalent.
> 2) Encapsulate all of your Kerberos functionality into an open-source
>    module or program and have your customers compile that  
> particular bit
>    themselves.
> 3) Include with your product a complete copy of whatever Kerberos
>    implementation you prefer.


If you only need the functionality that the GSSAPI interface  
provides, then using it can be far more portable than native Kerberos  
calls. For example, Mozilla ships precompiled binaries for both  
Firefox and Thunderbird which work with any vendor's GSSAPI libarary.


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