OS X Server: Apache: perl CGI will not kinit

Duncan S Kincaid dsk at MIT.EDU
Thu Apr 17 07:30:28 EDT 2008

I've a keytab for OS X Server 10.4.11 running Apache 1.x.
My perl CGI script runs perfectly from a user shell (specifically,  
credentials are returned following the script's kinit).
However when run from Apache as www, the following is returned:

> kinit: Error getting initial tickets: Credentials cache server  
> unavailable

here is the line of code which attempts the kinit:
my @test = `/usr/bin/kinit daemon/dusp.mit.edu\@ATHENA.MIT.EDU 2>&1`;

would anyone know how i might fix this problem?

many thanks,
Duncan Kincaid
MIT Urban Studies and Planning

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