Alternative UPN on Windows

Markus Moeller huaraz at
Thu Apr 3 17:04:32 EDT 2008

"Speedo" <speedogoo at> wrote in message 
news:7e585f66-d89c-409d-a55d-0fbe23268c1d at
> Hi All
> On Windows, there's something called alternative UPN that you can
> create user at this.realm in that.realm. Here's a very nice explanation:
> I've looked at the packets, it works like this:
> Suppose in realm REAL.COM there's a user x which also has an
> alternative UPN called y at If the user logon with x, the
> principal name sent in AS-REQ is (x, NT-PRINCIPAL). If logon with
> y at, it's (y at, NT-ENTERPRISE). In both cases, the
> server replies with a TGT successfully.
> My question is: Is there any third party software supporting this
> feature?
> 1. For kinit, how do I specify the name type?
You need to modify the source. See patch below for krb5-1.6.1. You can
either do kinit -e y at or kinit y at

--- kinit.c     2008-04-03 20:47:02.000000000 +0100
+++ kinit-new.c 2008-04-03 20:46:38.000000000 +0100
@@ -136,6 +136,7 @@
     int no_addresses;

     int verbose;
+    int enterprise;

     char* principal_name;
     char* service_name;
@@ -254,6 +255,7 @@
            (default_k5 && default_k4)?" and ":"",
            default_k4?"Kerberos 4":"",
            (!default_k5 && !default_k4)?"neither":"");
+    ULINE("\t", "-e enterprise tyep",           OPTTYPE_KRB5);
     ULINE("\t", "-V verbose",                   OPTTYPE_EITHER);
     ULINE("\t", "-l lifetime",                  OPTTYPE_EITHER);
     ULINE("\t", "-s start time",                OPTTYPE_KRB5);
@@ -331,12 +333,15 @@
     int use_k5 = 0;
     int i;

-    while ((i = GETOPT(argc, argv, "r:fpFP54aAVl:s:c:kt:RS:vX:"))
+    while ((i = GETOPT(argc, argv, "r:efpFP54aAVl:s:c:kt:RS:vX:"))
           != -1) {
        switch (i) {
        case 'V':
            opts->verbose = 1;
+       case 'e':
+           opts->enterprise = 1;
+           break;
        case 'l':
            /* Lifetime */
            code = krb5_string_to_deltat(optarg, &opts->lifetime);
@@ -571,12 +576,41 @@

     if (opts->principal_name)
-       /* Use specified name */
-       if ((code = krb5_parse_name(k5->ctx, opts->principal_name,
-                                   &k5->me))) {
-           com_err(progname, code, "when parsing name %s",
-                   opts->principal_name);
-           return 0;
+        char *realm = NULL;
+        realm = strchr(opts->principal_name,'@');
+        if ( realm && strchr(++realm,'@') || opts->enterprise ){
+ *  email address as principal name
+ */
+            char* enterprisename;
+            char* p;
+            enterprisename=malloc(strlen(opts->principal_name)+2);
+            strcpy(enterprisename,opts->principal_name);
+            p=strchr(enterprisename,'@');
+            *p='\\';
+            *p++='\\';
+            *p++='\0';
+            strcat(enterprisename,strchr(opts->principal_name,'@'));
+            if ((code = krb5_parse_name(k5->ctx, enterprisename, &k5->me)))
+                com_err(progname, code, "when parsing name %s",
+                if (enterprisename)
+                    free(enterprisename);
+                return(0);
+            }
+            if (enterprisename)
+                free(enterprisename);
+/* HEIMDAL kprincipal->name.name_type=10; */
+            k5->me->type=10;
+        } else {
+           /* Use specified name */
+           if ((code = krb5_parse_name(k5->ctx, opts->principal_name,
+                                       &k5->me))) {
+               com_err(progname, code, "when parsing name %s",
+                       opts->principal_name);
+               return 0;
+           }

> 2. Using GSS, how do I create a GSS name?

I assume you mean the service principal  here. This can not be changed.

> Thanks
> Speedo
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