compiling mod_auth_kerb on Windows 2000/2003

Danny Mayer mayer at
Thu Sep 6 08:28:31 EDT 2007

Jeffrey Altman wrote:
> Achim Grolms wrote:
>> On Wednesday 05 September 2007, Jeffrey Altman wrote:
>>> MIT KFW ships with an SDK in the installer.  However, the layout of the
>>> header and library files is different from the UNIX installation.  There
>>> is no krb5-config.exe to report the build and installation details
>> Why?
> there are many reasons:
>    1. The Windows build tools are not the same as UNIX. 
>    2. KFW is made up of multiple components of which krb5 is only one part.
>    3. krb5-config is built using install paths that are determined at
>       compile time.  The KFW install path and whether or not the SDK
>       installed is determined during the installation process.
>    4. No one has put the time into developing a version of
>       krb5-config.exe that can be included in the SDK that obtains the
>       installation path from the registry.

Is there a spec for what is needed to be looked for and what needs to be


> Jeffrey Altman

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