compiling mod_auth_kerb on Windows 2000/2003

Jeffrey Altman jaltman at
Wed Sep 5 16:48:42 EDT 2007

Achim Grolms wrote:
> On Wednesday 05 September 2007, Jeffrey Altman wrote:
>> MIT KFW ships with an SDK in the installer.  However, the layout of the
>> header and library files is different from the UNIX installation.  There
>> is no krb5-config.exe to report the build and installation details
> Why?
there are many reasons:

   1. The Windows build tools are not the same as UNIX. 
   2. KFW is made up of multiple components of which krb5 is only one part.
   3. krb5-config is built using install paths that are determined at
      compile time.  The KFW install path and whether or not the SDK
      installed is determined during the installation process.
   4. No one has put the time into developing a version of
      krb5-config.exe that can be included in the SDK that obtains the
      installation path from the registry.

Jeffrey Altman

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