compiling mod_auth_kerb on Windows 2000/2003

Jeffrey Altman jaltman at
Wed Sep 5 10:26:05 EDT 2007

Ed Zorob wrote:
> Guys,
> I need to get file for windows environment. using the
> (MinGW/Msys) compiler on windows  during ./configure it's asking for
> Kerberos environment. but I have MIT Kerberos installed already on the
> box.
> help ?
> thanks
MIT KFW ships with an SDK in the installer.  However, the layout of the
header and library files is different from the UNIX installation.  There
is no krb5-config.exe to report the build and installation details so you
will have to describe the location to ./configure using another method.
It may require modifications to the autoconf script.

Jeffrey Altman

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