Disabling reverse dns lookups

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Fri Nov 30 12:25:23 EST 2007

>>>>> "Andrew" == Andrew Cobaugh <phalenor at gmail.com> writes:

    Andrew> I've seen this discussed before, but I'm having some
    Andrew> trouble.  My situation is that I have sshd behind a
    Andrew> NAT. The public IP has an A record from one of my domain
    Andrew> names, but I have no control over the PTR record, as this
    Andrew> is a cable modem connection, so the ISP controls that.
    Andrew> So, the client goes to do a reverse dns lookup on the IP
    Andrew> address, and gets the PTR record provided by the ISP,
    Andrew> which breaks gssapi-with-mic.

    Andrew> I have tried setting "rdns = false" under [libdefaults] in
    Andrew> /etc/krb5.conf on the client, yet this doesn't seem to
    Andrew> have had any effect. I'm at a loss as to why.

    Andrew> The client is Kerberos 1.6.2 (krb5-libs-1.6.2-9.fc8) on
    Andrew> Fedora 8, sshd is on Solaris 10u3 with Kerberos 1.6, and
    Andrew> KDC is also Kerberos 1.6.

    Andrew> Any pointers to why the rdns setting isn't working are
    Andrew> greatly appreciated.

There's some "magic" in the later ssh patches regarding this.
You need to set an ssh option as well.
GssapiTrustDNS no

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