Recommendations for Mixing Windows and non-Windows Domains?

Henry B. Hotz hotz at
Thu Nov 29 20:07:06 EST 2007

If you run a Windows Domain and you also use BIND and MIT (or  
Heimdal) for DNS/Kerberos then you must have a strategy for  
preventing them from stepping on each other.  Can I ask people for  
thumbnail's of how you-all do that?  What raw services are handled by  
which servers?  Are there "magic" settings on the clients that make  
it work?

Significant services (which may need duplication or conflict  
resolution between Unix and AD):

Forward DNS -- I suspect you serve separate DNS domains from BIND  
vice AD servers
Reverse DNS -- Which platform gets which IP numbers, i.e. do you mix  
or segregate them?
DHCP -- 1 or 2 DHCP services, provided by which?  Does DHCP care  
about platform?
DynDNS -- How is this integrated with DHCP (plus the above question).
Kerberos -- krb5.conf or DNS SRV?
Cross-realm -- Set up?  Server-side referrals implemented (outside  
the DC that is)?

Client configuration questions:

advertised DNS servers -- BIND, DC, mix, pre-configured or DHCP  
cross-realm -- [domain_realm] section or DNS records maintained?

I'm just listing the things that I can think of.  Please tell me what  
I haven't thought of!

If you want to reply privately, I will try to summarize to the list.
The opinions expressed in this message are mine,
not those of Caltech, JPL, NASA, or the US Government.
Henry.B.Hotz at, or hbhotz at

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