Fw: Kerberos failed to create a principal

Ido Levy IDOL at il.ibm.com
Thu Nov 22 07:59:08 EST 2007


In continue to my e-mail below we detected the attribute DISALLOW_TGT_BASED
for the kadmin/admin principal.

      kadmin.local:  getprinc kadmin/admin at REALM
      Principal: kadmin/admin at REALM
      Expiration date: [never]
      Last password change:  Tue Oct 16 18:01:25 IST 2007
      Password expiration date: [none]
      Maximum ticket life: 0 day 03:00:00
      Maximum renewable life: 7 days 00:00:00
      Last modified: Wed Nov 21 15:02:00 IST 2007 (admin/admin at REALM)
      Last successful authentication: [never]
      Last failed authentication: [never]
      Failed password attempts: 0
      Number of keys: 4
      Key: vno 3, Triple DES cbc mode with HMAC/sha1,
      no salt
      Key: vno 3, ArcFour with HMAC/md5,
      no salt
      Key: vno 3, AES-256 CTS mode with 96-bit SHA-1 HMAC,
      no salt
      Key: vno 3, DES cbc mode with RSA-MD5,
      no salt

      Policy: [none]

Although that from googling we understand that it shouldn't be a problem we
unset this attribute for the kadmin/admin principal and it seems to
stabilize the system.

Does it make sense ?


Ido Levy

             Levy/Haifa/IBM at IB                                             
             MIL                                                        To 
             Sent by:                  kerberos at mit.edu                    
             kerberos-bounces@                                          cc 
                                       Kerberos failed to create a         
             21/11/2007 22:47          principal                           


We are running kerberos server that use LDAP as his DB.
Until today everything works  fine but suddenly user creation failed as you
can see in the following example:

      kadmin.local:  addprinc -randkey user40
      NOTICE: no policy specified for user40 at REALM
      assigning "default". Note that policy may be overridden by
      ACL restrictions.
      Unable to randomize key for "user40 at REALM"
      Status 0x29c250c - Principal does not exist.

      kadmin.local:  getprinc user40
      Unable to retrieve principal "user40 at REALM"
            Status 0x29c250c - Principal does not exist.

The error message we get in kadmin.log file is:

      local6:err|error kadmin.local[782428]: LDAP:
/blddir/krb514/src/plugins/ldap/ira_entry.c(193), 32: LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT

If you did encounter similar problem any advice/direction in how to
isolate/find/understand where is the problem would be appreciated.

Thank You !!

Ido Levy

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