Java Kadmin

Jonathan Javier Cordoba Gonzalez jcordoba at
Tue Nov 13 13:09:38 EST 2007

Hi Everyone,


I’m stuck with a very particular problem


Well I’m try to do a interface that admin the user database on java. My
first solution was call kadmin.local from java through 


Runtime.getRuntime().exec("kadmin.local –q \"addprinc –pw lola
lola at SAKURA.COM\"")


Well there seems ok, but when I execute on a linux box the process on Java
tries to connect with the user w at SAKURA.COM... (funny isn’t it?) and kadmin
doesn’t found on KDC.


Later I tried to modify the command in order to use some user on KDC to
connect to kadmin


Runtime.getRuntime().exec("kadmin.local –p jcordoba at SAKURA –w lola –q
\"addprinc –pw lola lola at SAKURA.COM\"")


BUT, the java process tries to connect with the user w at SAKURA.COM again!!!!
(It should use jcordoba credentials but it isn’t) 


One possible solution could be to create the principal w at SAKURA.COM, but I’m
not sure that the w user will be use for all Java process on all boxes and I
think that this solution aren’t elegant.


 I ask some help to everyone, maybe a other solution  (a Java Api) or to
find the mistake.  


Thanks a lot and my best wishes from Colombia.


Jonathan Córdoba

Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)

GIAC Certified Forensics Analyst (GCFA)

CompTIA Security+ Certified Professional

Ing. Seguridad Universidad de los Andes

Dirección de Tecnologías de Información (D.T.I.)

Bogotá - Colombia


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