Passwordless ssh - SOLVED -
jonr at
Mon Nov 12 13:26:46 EST 2007
Quoting "Douglas E. Engert" <deengert at>:
> Jon Reynolds wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have been trying to login without having to give a password after
>> I kinit. I can now login without passwords but I have to kinit on
>> each box before it will work. Here is what I am doing:
>> 1 box is the KDC
>> 1 box is a remote host on same network
>> I built my kdc and configured my ssh daemon to use kerberos on both
>> computers. I created a principal for my username and the two hosts
>> that I am testing between. I copied the krb5.keytab file to my
>> remote host and setup the krb5.conf file on the remote host. I have
>> my .k5login file in my users home directory and I have checked all
>> the paths and verified all the files in my kdc.conf and my
>> krb5.conf file.
>> Now, to test, I first do a 'kdestroy' then I kinit. After this is
>> done I can ssh from my KDC to my remote host and I am not asked to
>> enter my password. But, if I try to ssh back to the KDC from the
>> remote host I just logged into, it will ask me for a password. I
>> can stop this behavior if I 'kinit' on the remote host. Then for
>> the life of the ticket I can ssh back and forth between the two
>> boxes without being asked to enter a password.
>> I would like to be able to 'kinit' one time and not have to do it
>> on each and every host. So, I must have screwed up somewhere or
>> didn't understand what I was reading.
>> Can anyone see my mistake or is there more information that someone
>> would need to help me?
> Two things:
> As Ido Levy pointed out you need forwardable tickets so they can be
> forwarded.
> In addition to using GSSAPIauthentication yes which you must have
> already set,
> you need to tell ssh to delegate (forward) credentials (tickets).
> ssh needs the GSSAPIDelegateCredentials yes. The default is no,
> for security
> reasons. You should only delegate to hosts you trust with your identity.
> So best to put this in your own ~/.ssh/ssh_config for selected hosts.
Thank you Ido and Doug, I now have it working. It was the 'fowardable
= true' that I was missing in my krb5.conf file. Also, thanks for the
extra ssh info Doug, I will put them in my .ssh file from now on.
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