Kadm5 issue

Marcus Watts mdw at umich.edu
Thu Nov 8 14:14:07 EST 2007

> Date:    Thu, 10 Feb 2005 14:51:47 -0200
> To:      <kerberos at mit.edu>
> From:    "Anderson Luiz Brunozi" <abrunozi at cpqd.com.br>
> Subject: Kadm5 issue
> Hi all,
> I have already posted to this list some time ago asking about a Java implementa
> tion for a kadm5 client.
> Now, I am going to implement the Java kadm5 client that I'm required to. 
> And as I have not found any sign of an existing Java implementation yet, I have
>  decided to do it starting from the protocol spec.
> The problem is: I can't find the kadm5 protocol specification.
> I have already started the work by analyzing the C source code, and also, I hav
> e found RFC's that define RPC an GSS Mechanism, but nothing specific to the Kad
> m5. 
> I mean, what should go inside the GSS-token for each the kadm5 messages?
> I think it would be a lot easier to implement the client by having the spec, th
> en it would be if I had to go deep in the C code to figure out how the things w
> ork.
> Could anyone tell if there exists such an specification for the kadm5 protocol?
>  And where can I find it?
> Thanks for any help,
>     Anderson Luiz Brunozi

Did this happen?  Is it open source?  Failing that, does anybody know
of an existing open source kadm5 library for java?  It turns out folks
here are interested in such a beast, so if it doesn't exist, we may
end up creating one.  It would be nice to avoid recreating the wheel...

					-Marcus Watts

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