kerberized FTP service w/ Mac OS 10.4 server

Luke Brannon brannon at
Fri May 25 19:28:27 EDT 2007

Trying to set up FTP on Mac OS 10.4 server using Kerb for  
authentication.  I've attempted client connections using Fetch v5.2  
on the Mac (using GSSAPI) as well as with Filezilla (using GSSAPI)  
and in both cases I am granted a host and ftp ticket, but I get the  

334 Send authorization data.
gss_send_tok_buff = ftp at
535-GSSAPI error major: Incorrect channel bindings were supplied
535-GSSAPI error minor: No error
535 GSSAPI error: accepting context [ Incorrect channel bindings were  
supplied - No error ]
release 2
service 0gss_send_tok_buff = host at
535-GSSAPI error major: Miscellaneous failure
535-GSSAPI error minor: Wrong principal in request
535 GSSAPI error: accepting context [ Miscellaneous failure - Wrong  
principal in request ]
release 2
service 1

I'm not sure if this is a server-side or client-side issue.  All  
other kerberized services on the server are working fine (both AFP  
and mail).  Server logs show the user successfully authenticating.   
Is there any additional configuration needed on the server end?  My  
queries against Apple's support docs haven't turned anything up, nor  
has google.



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