Reading kerberos-adm from DNS: when will MIT-krb support this?

Ken Raeburn raeburn at MIT.EDU
Mon Mar 12 23:02:56 EDT 2007

On Mar 12, 2007, at 22:25, Marcus Watts wrote:
> Looks like it should be possible to use
> 	krb5int_locate_server(?, ?, ?, locate_service_kadmin, SOCK_STREAM,  
> (or, as you say, equivalent IPv6 logic,) presumably followed by  
> some sort
> of loop based on whatever comes back in addrlist, looping to connect,
> and returning the first connection that also succeeds with  
> clnttcp_create,
> plus some sort of application hook for "kadmin -s host:port" to
> override the behavior of krb5int_locate_server.

Yes, it should.  That would also fix up the lack of fallback  
capability for multi-master setups (e.g., using the LDAP back end,  
and multiple kadmind servers running).

> IPv6 support raises the question of an IPv6 portmapper, even though  
> your
> code doesn't actually need this...

There's also the pesky little matter of having exposed in installed  
header files the data structures that need to be modified for IPv6. :-(


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