probem with SALT_TYPE_AFS_LENGTH or "Password incorrect while getting initial credentials"

Mike Becher Mike.Becher at
Tue Jun 26 06:58:52 EDT 2007

Hi *,

I've compiled and installed krb5-1.6.1 on different platforms (i586, ia64, 
and x86_64) on our Linux cluster. On i586 and x86_64 it works from the 
scratch. But on Linux ia64 it doesn't work. If I use the original version 
I get always

 mibe at lxia64: kinit
 kinit(v5): Password incorrect while getting initial credentials

so I've done some debugging. It seems so that ia64 doesn't initialize 
heap memory. But i586 and x86_64 does. Normally this should not be 
problematic but when you use the special case with SALT_TYPE_AFS_LENGTH 
then this depends on the string length of that salt. The value of 
SALT_TYPE_AFS_LENGTH is -1 and in my case the salt is "" 
which results in a string length of 15.
To make the strlen calculation reliable there must be a '\0' at the end of 
the string. On ia64 platform this won't work correctly. So I have included 
one patch "krb5-1.6.1-copy_data.dif" to fix this for functions 
`krb5int_copy_data_contents()' and `krb5int_copy_data()'.

Here are my debugging protocoll. Our Linux cluster works in AFS cell 
`' and our kerberos realm is `LRZ-MUENCHEN.DE'.
For the tests I use the libraries under /scratch/krb5-1.6.1/src/lib.

Here is the debugging code (fprintf(..)) which I have inserted into 
`src/lib/krb5/krb/preauth2.c' to show the problem. This function will be 
called by `kinit'.

  root at lxia64:/scratch/krb5-1.6.1/src/lib: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(pwd)
  root at lxia64:/scratch/krb5-1.6.1/src/lib: vim ./krb5/krb/preauth2.c
    569 static
    570 krb5_error_code pa_salt(krb5_context context,
    571       krb5_kdc_req *request,
    572       krb5_pa_data *in_padata,
    573       krb5_pa_data **out_padata,
    574       krb5_data *salt, krb5_data *s2kparams,
    575       krb5_enctype *etype,
    576       krb5_keyblock *as_key,
    577       krb5_prompter_fct prompter, void *prompter_data,
    578       krb5_gic_get_as_key_fct gak_fct, void *gak_data)
    579 {
    580     krb5_data tmp;
    581     char *p = in_padata->contents;   /* only for testing */
    583 = in_padata->contents;
    584     tmp.length = in_padata->length;
    586 fprintf(stderr, "f=%s l=%d >> salt=\"%s\" sl=%d tmp=\"%s\" tl=%d\n",
    587 __FILE__, __LINE__,
    588 ((salt == NULL) || (salt->data == NULL)) ? "NULL" : salt->data,
    589 (salt == NULL) ? -2 : salt->length,
    591 tmp.length
    592 );
    593     /* set this as string end marker, only for testing to see whats happen */
    594     p[in_padata->length] = 0;
    596 fprintf(stderr, "f=%s l=%d >> salt=\"%s\" sl=%d tmp=\"%s\" tl=%d\n",
    597 __FILE__, __LINE__,
    598 ((salt == NULL) || (salt->data == NULL)) ? "NULL" : salt->data,
    599 (salt == NULL) ? -2 : salt->length,
    601 tmp.length
    602 );
    604     krb5_free_data_contents(context, salt);
    606 fprintf(stderr, "f=%s l=%d >> salt=\"%s\" sl=%d tmp=\"%s\" tl=%d\n",
    607 __FILE__, __LINE__,
    608 ((salt == NULL) || (salt->data == NULL)) ? "NULL" : salt->data,
    609 (salt == NULL) ? -2 : salt->length,
    611 tmp.length
    612 );
    614     krb5int_copy_data_contents(context, &tmp, salt);
    616 fprintf(stderr, "f=%s l=%d >> salt=\"%s\" sl=%d tmp=\"%s\" tl=%d\n",
    617 __FILE__, __LINE__,
    618 ((salt == NULL) || (salt->data == NULL)) ? "NULL" : salt->data,
    619 (salt == NULL) ? -2 : salt->length,
    621 tmp.length
    622 );
    624     if (in_padata->pa_type == KRB5_PADATA_AFS3_SALT)
    625   salt->length = SALT_TYPE_AFS_LENGTH;
    627 fprintf(stderr, "f=%s l=%d >> salt=\"%s\" sl=%d tmp=\"%s\" tl=%d\n",
    628 __FILE__, __LINE__,
    629 ((salt == NULL) || (salt->data == NULL)) ? "NULL" : salt->data,
    630 (salt == NULL) ? -2 : salt->length,
    632 tmp.length
    633 );
    634     return(0);
    635 }

  root at lxia64:/scratch/krb5-1.6.1/src/lib: make
  root at lxia64:/scratch/krb5-1.6.1/src/lib: klist
  klist: No credentials cache found (ticket cache FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0)

  Kerberos 4 ticket cache: /tmp/tkt0
  klist: You have no tickets cached

The output on Linux ia64 host `lxia64' with the original krb5-1.6.1 
version of code:

  root at lxia64:/scratch/krb5-1.6.1/src/lib: ../clients/kinit/kinit mibe
  f=preauth2.c l=592 >> salt="NULL" sl=-1 tmp="  " tl=15
  f=preauth2.c l=602 >> salt="NULL" sl=-1 tmp="" tl=15
  f=preauth2.c l=612 >> salt="NULL" sl=-1 tmp="" tl=15
  f=preauth2.c l=622 >> salt="  " sl=15 tmp="" tl=15
  f=preauth2.c l=633 >> salt="  " sl=-1 tmp="" tl=15
  Password for mibe at LRZ-MUENCHEN.DE:
  kinit(v5): Password incorrect while getting initial credentials

And there are no tickets:
  root at lxia64:/scratch/krb5-1.6.1/src/lib: klist
  klist: No credentials cache found (ticket cache FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0)

  Kerberos 4 ticket cache: /tmp/tkt0
  klist: You have no tickets cached

Now the patched version with the patch introduced in attachment does
  root at lxia64:/scratch/krb5-1.6.1/src/lib: pushd ../..
  root at lxia64:/scratch/krb5-1.6.1/src/lib: patch -p1 < ../krb5-1.6.1-copy_data.dif
  root at lxia64:/scratch/krb5-1.6.1/src/lib: popd
  root at lxia64:/scratch/krb5-1.6.1/src/lib: make
  root at lxia64:/scratch/krb5-1.6.1/src/lib: klist
  klist: No credentials cache found (ticket cache FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0)
  Kerberos 4 ticket cache: /tmp/tkt0
  klist: You have no tickets cached

  root at lxia64:/scratch/krb5-1.6.1/src/lib: ../clients/kinit/kinit mibe
  f=preauth2.c l=592 >> salt="NULL" sl=-1 tmp="  " tl=15
  f=preauth2.c l=602 >> salt="NULL" sl=-1 tmp="" tl=15
  f=preauth2.c l=612 >> salt="NULL" sl=-1 tmp="" tl=15
  f=preauth2.c l=622 >> salt="" sl=15 tmp="" tl=15
  f=preauth2.c l=633 >> salt="" sl=-1 tmp="" tl=15
  Password for mibe at LRZ-MUENCHEN.DE:

And now I got my tickets:
  root at lxia64:/scratch/krb5-1.6.1/src/lib: klist
  Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
  Default principal: mibe at LRZ-MUENCHEN.DE
  Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
  06/26/07 08:11:03  06/29/07 08:11:03  krbtgt/LRZ-MUENCHEN.DE at LRZ-MUENCHEN.DE
          renew until 07/02/07 08:11:03
  Kerberos 4 ticket cache: /tmp/tkt0
  klist: You have no tickets cached

For me it works now on all three platforms. Hope this patch helps. It
might be that there are some other places in code which relies on that
implicit logic.


 Mike Becher                              Mike.Becher at
 Leibniz-Rechenzentrum der      
 Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften  phone: +49-89-35831-8721
 Gruppe Hochleistungssysteme              fax:   +49-89-35831-9700
 Boltzmannstrasse 1
 D-85748 Garching bei Muenchen
-------------- next part --------------
--- krb5-1.6.1/src/lib/krb5/krb/copy_data.c.orig	2007-06-26 07:36:23.135619000 +0200
+++ krb5-1.6.1/src/lib/krb5/krb/copy_data.c	2007-06-26 08:03:17.347749000 +0200
@@ -47,10 +47,11 @@
     tempdata->length = indata->length;
     if (tempdata->length) {
-	if (!(tempdata->data = malloc(tempdata->length))) {
+	if (!(tempdata->data = malloc(tempdata->length + 1))) {
 	    return ENOMEM;
+	memset((char *)tempdata->data, 0, tempdata->length + 1);
 	memcpy((char *)tempdata->data, (char *)indata->data, tempdata->length);
     } else
 	tempdata->data = 0;
@@ -68,9 +69,10 @@
     outdata->length = indata->length;
     if (outdata->length) {
-	if (!(outdata->data = malloc(outdata->length))) {
+	if (!(outdata->data = malloc(outdata->length + 1))) {
 	    return ENOMEM;
+	memset((char *)outdata->data, 0, outdata->length + 1);
 	memcpy((char *)outdata->data, (char *)indata->data, outdata->length);
     } else
 	outdata->data = 0;

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