IE7 only error

Tyler Petrie tyler at
Wed Jun 20 14:03:36 EDT 2007


I am receiving:

gss_acquire_cred() failed: Miscellaneous failure (No principal in keytab 
matches desired name)

in apache's ssl_error_log when someone authenticates successfully in 
IE7.  The browser shows an "Internal Server Error".  I am running Apache 
2.0.52 on RHEL4 with mod_auth_kerb.  This error only happens in IE7, all 
other browsers (Firefox, Safari, Mozilla) are fine and do not show any 
errors.  I am using an .htaccess file and keytab has the correct FQDN. 
When this error happens the KDC logs show a successful authentication.

thanks in advance and let me know if more/what info would be helpful,

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