Cross Realm: Multiple AD Domains

Miguel Sanders miguelsanders at
Sat Jul 28 05:53:42 EDT 2007

Dear all

I have asked this question already to Markus and Douglas but I am
giving it another attempt.
I have already successfully tested my cross realm implementation in a
test phase.

However the environment in test was a single domain in the forest and
the acceptance/production environment has multiple domains and the one
I would like to do cross realm with, is not the root of the forest.
To give you a clear view on the situation:
ESX.SIDMAR.AGN being the MIT realm
SIDMAR.BE being the AD domain
ZEUS.SCHEMA being the root for the AD forest

None of them are DNS hierarchical!

So basicly, we have
             AD                 and               MIT
   ZEUS.SCHEMA                  ESX.SIDMAR.AGN

Now, since the users are located in SIDMAR.BE and the service
principals in ESX.SIDMAR.AGN, I need to do cross realm. At the moment,
SIDMAR.BE has a transitive trust two-way trust with ZEUS.SCHEMA since
it is the root of the forest.

I assume that the following needs to be done:

1) ksetup.exe /addkdc ESX.SIDMAR.AGN (SRV records are available)
2) ksetup.exe /addrealmflags ESX.SIDMAR.AGN tcpsupported
3) netdom trust ZEUS.SCHEMA /domain:ESX.SIDMAR.AGN /add /realm /
twoway /PasswordT:SomePW
4) netdom trust ZEUS.SCHEMA /domain:ESX.SIDMAR.AGN /transitive:yes
5) netdom trust ZEUS.SCHEMA /domain:ESX.SIDMAR.AGN /
6) netdom trust ZEUS.SCHEMA /domain:ESX.SIDMAR.AGN /

On the XP clients:
7) ksetup.exe /addkdc ESX.SIDMAR.AGN (SRV records are available)
8) ksetup.exe /addrealmflags ESX.SIDMAR.AGN tcpsupported

On the Unix KDC I have to create cross realm principals with password

On a Unix client in realm ESX.SIDMAR.AGN, the krb5.conf should look
      default_realm = ESX.SIDMAR.AGN
      default_keytab_name = FILE:/etc/krb5/host.keytab
      default_tkt_enctypes = arcfour-hmac des-cbc-md5 des-cbc-crc
      default_tgs_enctypes = arcfour-hmac des-cbc-md5 des-cbc-crc
      forwardable = true
      dns_lookup_realm = false
      dns_lookup_kdc = true

      ESX.SIDMAR.AGN = {
              kdc = sv106n.esx.sidmar.agn:88
              admin_server = sv106n.esx.sidmar.agn:749
              default_domain = esx.sidmar.agn
              auth_to_local = RULE:[1:$1@$0](.*@SIDMAR\.BE)s/@.*//
              auth_to_local = DEFAULT

      SIDMAR.BE = {
              kdc =
              default_domain =

       ZEUS.SCHEMA = {
               kdc = svdc095.zeus.schema:88

      .esx.sidmar.agn = ESX.SIDMAR.AGN = SIDMAR.BE
      .zeus.schema = ZEUS.SCHEMA

       ESX.SIDMAR.AGN = {
               SIDMAR.BE = ZEUS.SCHEMA

       SIDMAR.BE = {

      kdc = FILE:/var/krb5/log/krb5kdc.log
      admin_server = FILE:/var/krb5/log/kadmin.log
      default = FILE:/var/krb5/log/krb5lib.log

Can someone give me some feedback on this setup. Are there any

Thanks a lot in advance


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