[modauthkerb] Negotiate on Windows with cross-realm trust AD and MIT Kereros.

Mikkel Kruse Johnsen mikkel at linet.dk
Thu Jul 12 07:05:24 EDT 2007

Hi All

Still haven't fixed this, but after reading more about it, I found
someone who said that Microsoft when implementing the Kerberos protocol
had changed something (big surprise) and instead of making it the
clients job to figure out whitch server to contact they made it the
servers job. Meaning that the windows client always sends the request to
the AD, even if it should contact the linux kerberos.

On lInux i would think it goes like this:

    I have a ticket from the AD (HHK.DK).
    I go the the webserver named "sugi.cbs.dk"
    The Client sees that it is ".cbs.dk" and then contacts the linux

         .cbs.dk = CBS.DK
         cbs.dk = CBS.DK
         .hhk.dk = HHK.DK
         hhk.dk = HHK.DK

    It gets the krbtgt to CBS.DK realm and then the
HTTP/sugi.cbs.dk at CBS.DK ticket.
    It works.

On Windows:

    I have a ticket from the AD (HHK.DK)
    I go the the webserver named "sugi.cbs.dk"
    The client contacts the AD (ns1.hhk.dk).
    The server never gives me the krbtgt for CBS.DK
    It fails.

How do I tell the AD that it should send back a krbtgt ad forward me to
the linux kerberos. ?
Should I use DNS for this ?

Any help please


On Tue, 2007-07-10 at 15:34 +0200, Mikkel Kruse Johnsen wrote:

> Hi Markus
> That seems logical that it will try to contact the HHK.DK (the AD) for
> a krbtgt when using windows.
> But under linux when using the HHK.DK realm I don't see why it
> souldn't use the AD aswell. both the client and the server (where
> mod_auth_kerb is installed and the same as the kerberos server) has
> the krb5.conf file as: (ns1.hhk.dk is the AD)
> ...
> [realms]
> CBS.DK = {
>   kdc = kerberos.cbs.dk:88
>   admin_server = kerberos.cbs.dk:749
>   default_domain = cbs.dk
> }
> HHK.DK = {
>   kdc = ns1.hhk.dk:88
>   admin_server = ns1.hhk.dk:749
>   default_domain = hhk.dk
> }
> ....
> So it should never ask the linux server for the krbtgt. Also I only
> see these lines in krb5kdc.log when accessing it.
> --
> Jul 10 15:22:46 sugi.cbs.dk krb5kdc[21180](info): TGS_REQ (7 etypes
> {18 17 16 23 1 3 2}) ISSUE: authtime 1184073716,
> etypes {rep=1 tkt=23 ses=16}, mkj.lib at HHK.DK for
> HTTP/sugi.cbs.dk at CBS.DK
> Jul 10 15:22:46 sugi.cbs.dk krb5kdc[21180](info): TGS_REQ (7 etypes
> {18 17 16 23 1 3 2}) ISSUE: authtime 1184073716,
> etypes {rep=1 tkt=23 ses=16}, mkj.lib at HHK.DK for
> HTTP/sugi.cbs.dk at CBS.DK
> --
> Witch, I think, suggest that it never ask the linux server for the
> krbtgt but the AD (I have to get access to the logs on the AD).
> Any other suggestion is welcome.
> /Mikkel
> On Tue, 2007-07-10 at 14:59 +0200, Markus Schuh wrote: 
> > Mikkel Kruse Johnsen wrote:
> > >
> > > What I have is an MS Active Directory 2003 (but running in 2000 mode)
> > > with realm "HHK.DK" then I have a Linux Kerberos server (RHEL5 64bit)
> > > with realm "CBS.DK". I have made a two-way trust between them.
> > > (http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/windows2000serv/howto/kerbstep.mspx#EVCAC).
> > 
> > Only guessing -
> > my kerberos, especially cross-realm, understanding is still limited.
> > 
> > When logged in on Linux as mkj.lib at HHK.DK and accessing
> > http://sugi.cbs.dk/ you communicate with the ticket granting service of
> > CBS.DK to get krbtgt/CBS.DK at HHK.DK
> > This succeeds.
> > 
> > When logged in on the windows workstation which has joined HHK.DK, I
> > think the problem is:
> > The workstation asks your Win2003 Domain controller for a granting
> > ticket. But the Domain controller is not able to give you such a
> > granting ticket. (The question is: why?)
> > Since modauthkerb offers Negotiation, and IE did not get a valid ticket,
> > it falls back to NTLM.
> > Since Firefox (per default) uses the same system dll (SSPI) for
> > negotiation, the problem is the same here.
> > 
> > Why do I think, the Windows DC rejects to give the user a granting
> > ticket of a trusted domain?
> > 
> > We use modauthkerb successfully on a linux server which has an account
> > in our Win2003 Forest in Windows 2000 native mode. We have a two-way
> > trust to another forest (in Windows 2000 native mode, too)
> > But until now we were not able to authenticate successfully with user
> > accounts of the other domain. I tried to debug the problem and found a
> > statement on technet that we need Windows 2003 native mode on both sides
> >  to be able to do cross authentication.
> > At this point I stopped my investigation because we found another
> > solution (we use different reverse proxies)
> > 
> > I'm still searching the technet article where I found these statement
> > but I had no success, yet.
> > 
> Mikkel Kruse Johnsen
> Linet
> Ørholmgade 6 st tv
> 2200 København N
> Tlf: +45 2128 7793
> email: mikkel at linet.dk
> www: http://www.linet.dk
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Mikkel Kruse Johnsen
Ørholmgade 6 st tv
2200 København N

Tlf: +45 2128 7793
email: mikkel at linet.dk
www: http://www.linet.dk

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