Wrong principal in request using virt interface

Christopher D. Clausen cclausen at acm.org
Mon Jan 29 14:57:38 EST 2007

petesea at bigfoot.com wrote:
> I'm moving the server to a new cluster of RHE hosts that use virtual
> interfaces (eg. eth0:1) to allow for failover to a new host while
> still maintaining the original IP address.  On this new system I'm
> getting the following error when I run sshd in debug (-ddd) mode:
>   Wrong principal in request
> I have 2 IP addresses and 2 hostnames associated with the 2 interfaces
> (one of them a virtual interface) on my workstation:
>   interface   hostname        ip
>   -----------------------------------------
>   eth0        gort.home.org
>   eth0:1      cvs.home.org

Can you simply fail-over using the same IP on both interfaces?  (I believe there is a bonding module in Linux that can do this.)

I don't think your setup will work b/c Kerberos relies upon proper DNS records for machines and having the machine change its hostname is bad.


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