Segfaults in MIT libkrb5

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Wed Jan 3 09:10:34 EST 2007

>>>>> "Fredrik" == Fredrik Tolf <fredrik at> writes:

    Fredrik> On Sun, 2006-12-17 at 00:43 -0500, Theodore Tso wrote:
    >> If you are willing to recompile e2fsprogs (which is the source
    >> of the system com_err library), please try applying this patch
    >> and try running your program (without the LD_PRELOAD hack) with
    >> the environment variable COMERR_DEBUG set to the value 1 and
    >> let us know what you see.  That should help us see if the
    >> remove_error_table is getting called, and with what arguments.

    Fredrik> I got around to doing it, but the results have me a bit
    Fredrik> perplexed. It seems there is no adding or removing of
    Fredrik> error tables at all during dynamic loading. It is
    Fredrik> especially strange since the program doesn't link at all
    Fredrik> against libkrb4 until the PAM module is loaded, at which
    Fredrik> point its error tables would have to be loaded. ldd
    Fredrik> verifies that libkrb4 properly links against
    Fredrik> libcom_err. Any ideas?

On Unix, I'd expect krb4int_et_init to be called the first time you
look up an error message.


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