KfW 3.1: Re-directed stderr of kinit/klist displays dialog

petesea@bigfoot.com petesea at bigfoot.com
Mon Feb 19 23:43:15 EST 2007

Is there a way to redirect stderr from kinit/klist to a file?

Running this from a DOS command prompt displays the output right in the 
DOS command window (as I would expect):

   C:\> klist -c foobar
   klist: No credentials cache found (ticket cache API:foobar)

But if I re-direct stderr to a file, it displays a Windows dialog instead 
and nothing goes to the file:

   C:\> klist -c foobar 2> err.log
   (dialog with OK button -- same error as above)
   (err.log is empty)

Re-directing stdout (assuming the command did not return an error) seems 
to work fine, but re-directing stderr doesn't.

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