Account lockout support in Solaris 10 when authenticating againstKerberos

Douglas E. Engert deengert at
Tue Dec 11 09:35:07 EST 2007

Yu, Ming wrote:
> Russ, 
>    Thanks for the help.
>    That is th info I am looking for.

But using PAM to lockout a user, is per machine.
If you are trying to avoid password guesses, the user could
try another machine, and get another N guesses. Better then
nothing, but maybe not what you really want.

As Russ points out below, maybe some intrusion detection system
might also be in order, with PAM notifying the IDS.

>    Ming
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: kerberos-bounces at <kerberos-bounces at>
> To: kerberos at <kerberos at>
> Sent: Mon Dec 10 20:45:49 2007
> Subject: Re: Account lockout support in Solaris 10 when authenticating againstKerberos
> "Yu, Ming" <Ming.Yu at> writes:
>>   But I am still not clear how to "lock out" account after n-times of
>>   failed login.
>>   Are you saying there is no way to do it in current version of MIT
>>   kerberos?
> Right, there's no way to do it at a Kerberos level.  There are various
> things that you can do within the service that's authenticating, but it
> may require development on your part.  (For example, if you're
> authenticating the user via PAM, you could store the PAM failure count
> somewhere and reject logins to that user once the failures reach a
> particular threshold, something you could do without modifying anything
> about how Kerberos works.)
> Converting a failed authentication compromise into a denial of service
> attack is generally a stupid idea, IMO.  Far better to start rejecting
> packets from a host that's apparently trying to do a dictionary attack.


  Douglas E. Engert  <DEEngert at>
  Argonne National Laboratory
  9700 South Cass Avenue
  Argonne, Illinois  60439
  (630) 252-5444

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