Account lockout support in Solaris 10 when authenticating against Kerberos

Ken Raeburn raeburn at MIT.EDU
Mon Dec 10 22:43:21 EST 2007

On Dec 10, 2007, at 18:58, Nicolas Williams wrote:
> The answer is that an MIT KDC with plain old db2 backend can't do it.
> An MIT KDC with an LDAP backend could do it, but it doesn't yet.

The code to support this in either back end is there, but not  
compiled by default.  Unfortunately, some changes a while back caused  
it to stop compiling if you try to enable it.  We need to figure out  
what the deal's going to be with that code...

I suspect the problem with the db2 version that Nico is thinking of  
is that the number of failed attempts is tracked in the database, and  
with db2, the database gets periodically copied from the master KDC  
to the slave KDCs, wiping out any record on the slaves of failed  
attempts.  There's also no coordination between KDCs to track the  
info.  So, if someone attempting to break into the account avoids  
using the master KDC, they can make N attempts on each slave in each  
window between propagations.  It won't lock out access to the account  
overall, but it will rate-limit the attack, depending how often the  
propagations happen.

(For that matter, the LDAP back end probably won't handle the  
database updates atomically, so attacks made in parallel on multiple  
KDCs *might* cause some of the failed attempts to not be counted.   
Not as bad as the db2 case, but still far from perfect.  The original  
database design wasn't set up to assume multiple KDCs would be  
modifying the database at once....)


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