Problem with krb5 1.6 under AIX 5.3

Frank Bagehorn FBA at
Wed Apr 4 11:10:41 EDT 2007

Hi all,
I tried to compile the latest version under AIX 5.3 using the xlc 8.0 as a 
compiler. The "make" runs through, but "make check" doesn't, but comes 
back with an error message.

OK: test1: Deleting in iteration got rid of all entries.
OK: test2: Modifications don't corrupt existing open handles
Assertion failed: destructors_set[keynum] == 0, file  threads.c, line 345
make: 1254-059 The signal code from the last command is 6.

The same assertion failure we get when we call any of the executables 
(kinit, ...) I've seen this being discussed sometimes in December on the 
list, but I have seen no resolution to it.
Anything we could try to get around this ?


Dr. Frank Bagehorn
Manager Infrastructure Services ZRL IS
IBM Zurich Research Lab.
Saeumerstr. 4
CH-8803 Rueschlikon 
SMTP: fba at
Notes: Frank Bagehorn/Zurich/IBM at IBMCH
phone: ++41 (044) 724 83 23  fax: ++41 (044) 724 89 59
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