cross realm : decrypt integrity check failed

Douglas E. Engert deengert at
Wed Nov 8 15:11:50 EST 2006

Dave Botsch wrote:
> So, I'm trying to set up one way cross realm auth.
> We have two realms... realmA and realmB
> On both KDCs, we have created the principal krbtgt/realmB at realmA with the same
> kvno and the same password.

And same e-types?

> I can even kinit krbtgt/realmB at realmA (which talks to the realmA server) and
> get a ticket as that principal.
> So, here's where things go wacky...
> I kinit user at realmA - fine
> I then try to do something (ssh for example) that requires a ticket in realm B.
> Failure with the following error: Decrypt Integrity Check Failed - this error
> also shows up in the realmB kdc log.
> a klist shows:
> krbtgt/realmA at realmA
> krbtgt/realmB at realmB

Is the above correct? The second one should be krbtgt/realmB at realmA
i.e. ticket issued by A but usable at realm B.

> but, of course, no service ticket.
> Any thoughts on what to try/look at? As best I can tell, this should just work,
> but clearly it isn't.
> I haven't figured out if there is a way to kinit krbtgt/realmB at realmA to
> realmB's servers to verify it isn't somehow mangling the password -- is there a
> way to do this?
> realmB is rhel4u4 - krb5-server-1.3.4-33
> I don't know what realmA is as I don't control that KDC.

Then how do you know the key was added correctly? Is realm A Windows AD?

As Ken said, sounds like keys don't match.

> Thanks!


  Douglas E. Engert  <DEEngert at>
  Argonne National Laboratory
  9700 South Cass Avenue
  Argonne, Illinois  60439
  (630) 252-5444

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