Server not found in Kerberos database while getting a service url ticket

Richard E. Silverman res at
Tue May 23 18:56:23 EDT 2006

>>>>> "vpouli" == vpouli  <vpouli at> writes:

    vpouli> I didn't put "localhost", I put I just put
    vpouli> 'localhost' here for showing an example. I didn't want to
    vpouli> stand on that, I just wanted to ask if there is a way to ask
    vpouli> for a service ticket when the service contains '//' like in
    vpouli> http://fqdn/service.

You completely misunderstand how this all works.  That is a URL.  From the
URL, the Kerberos client constructs a principal name for the HTTP service
on the named host (which cannot be "localhost").  That principal is of the
form: HTTP/<fqdn of server>@<REALM of server>

  Richard Silverman
  res at

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