Mod_auth_kerb problems with AD

Richard E. Silverman res at
Sat May 20 16:50:39 EDT 2006

>>>>> "MG" == "Martin Goldstone" <martin.goldstone at> writes:

    MG> Yes, I thought that was probably the case.  From what I've read on
    MG> various sites, not enough information is provided for the Windows
    MG> box to use Kerberos, so it falls back on NTLM.

    MG> I did a brief experiment with it and set the KrbServiceName as i
    MG> said in my previous mail.  The first time I loaded it, I got that
    MG> error message that I mentioned in the log, and a 500 error in the
    MG> browser, but then I checked kerbtray.exe, and I'd got a ticket for
    MG> it.  I changed .htaccess back by commenting out the
    MG> KrbServiceName, and the page worked fine for a while.
    MG> Unfortunately, it stopped (it would seem that my ticket cache was
    MG> emptied according to kerbtray), and even by following exactly the
    MG> same steps I've been unable to cause this to happen again.
    MG> However, it does seem to me like this might be along the right
    MG> track.  I do think that Windows has no idea what realm to check,

    MG> However, I've been unable to
    MG> find anything on the net that says anything about doing
    MG> domain-realm mapping on Windows, 

As I said, the normal mechanism is Kerberos referrals (which I believe
Microsoft essentially invented).

    MG> or about what the syntax should be for the KrbServiceName
    MG> directive

The syntax is a Kerberos principal name, which may be abbreviated by
omitting the realm, or realm and instance, which will be filled in with
the default realm and fqdn, respectively.

    MG> I need some way to force Windows to look at the NULCOLLEGE.AC.UK
    MG> realm when the domain name is  Any ideas on whether
    MG> this is possible?

You may be able to do something with netdom /addtln; I'm trying get
Microsoft to explain that now.

  Richard Silverman
  res at

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