telnetd : Unable to get the Service tickets.

Viren virendra.vyas at
Fri May 12 09:11:31 EDT 2006

I'm testing/verifying integration between Linux and Linux-based systems
and Active Directory on Windows Server 2003 via Kerberos and PAM. We
have our KDC running on windows machine; the user authentication is
done using the Active Directory. We also have a Linux machine, which we
wanted to use as a host for kerberized daemons (viz. telnet, kshell,
gssftp). We did setup the Kerberos client on the Linux machine. We
configured the Samba and LDAP to have user authentication on the Active
Directory accounts.

I am able the get the TGT, using KINIT on my Linux machine, but fail to
get the service tickets for my kerberized client applications.

To test the above setup,

1.	I created a telnetd user account in the Active directory.
2.	I used the ktpass to map the above user with the instance of the
telnetd daemon running on the Linux host using the below command.

Ktpass princ telnetd/ABCLNXSVR at WINDOMAIN.COM mapuser telnetd -pass
ABC123 out telnet.keytab

3.	I moved the keytab file generated using the above command to my
Linux machine.
4.	I used the ktutil to merge the keytab file on the linx machine.
5.	I tried running the kerberized telnet of Putty from windows machine
to connect this linux machine, here the application crashed saying some
memory page exception.
6.	I tried seeing the Kerberos logs on my Linux machine, there in the
Kerberos logs it says " telnetd: key tab not found".
7.	I checked in my keytab file on Linux machine the telnetd entry is

Can anyone please help me to get rid of this error?

Thanks in Advance. 

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