How to setup trust between 2003 SP1/R2 and MIT 1.4.3 ?

Markus Moeller huaraz at
Mon May 1 19:04:24 EDT 2006

I should have research better in the old archives. With  ktpass 
/MITRealmName SUSE.HOME /trustencryp rc4 run on the Windows kdc I get now a 
trust with RC4 encryption.


"Markus Moeller" <huaraz at> wrote in message 
news:44567655$0$23156$ed2e19e4 at
> If I change the encryption type on my OpenSuse kdc to DES only and do the 
> mapping on the use in AD and not via ksetup I can login with markus from 
> domain SUSE.HOME.
> Does this mean there is still no trust with rc4-hmac possible ??
> Thanks
> Markus
> "Markus Moeller" <huaraz at> wrote in message 
> news:44566da3$0$2565$ed2619ec at
>> Three further observations
>> => 1) User WINDOWS2003\markus-a CAN NOT connect with putty from Win XP to
>>         opensuse.suse.home (no port 88 traffic)
>>         I can connect as user WINDOWS2003\markus-a with putty 0.58 with 
>> GSSAPI (e.g. MIT libraries) from Win XP to
>>         opensuse.suse.home
>> => 10) User markus at SUSE.HOME CAN NOT connect with Firefox from OpenSuse 
>> to
>>          http://w2k3.windows2003.home.  I get a KRB5KDC_ERR_ETYPE_NOSUPP 
>> error (see below capture of AS-REQ,
>>          AS-REP,  TGS-REQ, TGS-REP)
>>         It works when I change the encryption types in krb5.conf to only 
>> des on OpenSuse.
>> and I CAN NOT login to the Win XP box as markus from domain SUSE.HOME. I 
>> tried ksetup /mapuser * * with no suceess.
>> Any idea what I need to change ?
>> Thank you
>> Markus
>> "Markus Moeller" <huaraz at> wrote in message 
>> news:4456216c$0$2562$ed2619ec at
>>>I searched a bit more and found some hints how to set it up. But I still 
>>>have a couple of problems. Does anybody have an idea why I get a 
>>>KRB5KDC_ERR_ETYPE_NOSUPP error when I try to access a webserver in the 
>>>WINDOWS domain from a MIT domain ?
>>> Thank you
>>> Markus
>>> My sample setup:
>>> 1. OpenSuse with kdc opensuse.suse.home for SUSE.HOME realm for all 
>>> systems in *.suse.home domain (which is based on MIT 1.4.1)
>>> 2. Windows 2003 R2 kdc w2k3.windows2003.home for WINDOWS2003.HOME realm 
>>> for all systems in *.windows2003.home domain
>>> 3. Run Apache2 with mod_spnego on opensuse.suse.home allows all valid 
>>> users (the same host as kdc for testing only)
>>> 4. Run Apache2 with mod_spnego on allows all valid 
>>> users (the same host as the kdc for testing with kfw 3.0 installed too 
>>> to build mod_spnego)
>>> 5. Windows XP system winxp.windows2003.home in realm WINDOWS2003.HOME
>>> 6. Run putty 0.57 fromVintela with SSPI support on Windows XP
>>> Both kdc's have a user markus. The Windows kdc has also a user markus-a 
>>> which does not exist in the OpenSuse kdc
>>> On OpenSuse markus had a .k5login file with:
>>> markus at SUSE.HOME
>>> markus at WINDOWS2003.HOME
>>> markus-a at WINDOWS2003.HOME
>>> =======================================================================
>>> Setup of kdc on OpenSuse with Apache2 and mod_spnego
>>> #!/bin/ksh
>>> DATE=`date +%Y%m%d.%H%M%S`
>>> #
>>> # OpenSuse binary locations
>>> #
>>> KDB5_UTIL=/usr/lib/mit/sbin/kdb5_util
>>> KADMINLOCAL=/usr/lib/mit/sbin/kadmin.local
>>> #
>>> # Directories and Files
>>> #
>>> VARDIR=/var/lib/kerberos/krb5kdc
>>> ETCDIR=/etc
>>> APACHEDIR=/etc/apache2
>>> KADM5ACL=${VARDIR}/kadm5.acl
>>> #
>>> # Realms
>>> #
>>> KDC=opensuse.suse.home
>>> KDC2=w2k3.windows2003.home
>>> DOMAIN=suse.home
>>> DOMAIN2=windows2003.home
>>> #
>>> PASS="UNIX000$"
>>> #
>>> # stop daemons
>>> #
>>> /etc/init.d/krb5kdc stop
>>> /etc/init.d/kadmind stop
>>> /etc/init.d/apache2 stop
>>> #
>>> # Save old configs
>>> #
>>> mkdir ${VARDIR}/version-${DATE}
>>> mv ${KDC_CONF_DIR}/kdc.conf ${KDC_CONF_DIR}/kdc.conf-${DATE}
>>> mv ${VARDIR}/principal* ${VARDIR}/version-${DATE}/
>>> mv ${VARDIR}/kadm5* ${VARDIR}/version-${DATE}/
>>> mv ${KADM5ACL} ${KADM5ACL}-${DATE}
>>> mv ${VARDIR}/.k5.* ${VARDIR}/version-${DATE}/
>>> mv ${ETCDIR}/krb5.conf ${ETCDIR}/krb5.conf-${DATE}
>>> mv ${ETCDIR}/krb5.keytab ${ETCDIR}/krb5.keytab-${DATE}
>>> mv ${APACHEDIR}/HTTP.keytab ${APACHEDIR}/HTTP.keytab-${DATE}
>>> #
>>> # Create kdc.conf
>>> #
>>> cat > ${KDC_CONF_DIR}/kdc.conf <<!
>>> [kdcdefaults]
>>>        kdc_ports = 750,88
>>> [realms]
>>>        ${REALM} = {
>>>                database_name = ${VARDIR}/principal
>>>                admin_keytab = FILE:${VARDIR}/kadm5.keytab
>>>                acl_file = ${KADM5ACL}
>>>                key_stash_file = ${VARDIR}/.k5.${REALM}
>>>                kdc_ports = 750,88
>>>                supported_enctypes = rc4-hmac:normal des3-cbc-sha1:normal 
>>> des-cb
>>> c-crc:normal des-cbc-md5:normal
>>>                kdc_supported_enctypes = rc4-hmac:normal 
>>> des3-cbc-sha1:normal de
>>> s-cbc-crc:normal des-cbc-md5:normal
>>>                max_life = 10h 0m 0s
>>>                max_renewable_life = 7d 0h 0m 0s
>>>        }
>>> [logging]
>>>    kdc = FILE:/var/log/kdc.log
>>>    admin_server = FILE:/var/log/kadmin.log
>>> !
>>> #
>>> # Create krb5.conf
>>> #
>>> cat > ${ETCDIR}/krb5.conf <<!
>>> [libdefaults]
>>>        default_realm = ${REALM}
>>>        dns_lookup_kdc = no
>>>        dns_lookup_realm = no
>>>        default_keytab_name = ${ETCDIR}/krb5.keytab
>>>        default_tgs_enctypes = rc4-hmac des3-cbc-sha1 des-cbc-crc 
>>> des-cbc-md5
>>>        default_tkt_enctypes = rc4-hmac des3-cbc-sha1 des-cbc-crc 
>>> des-cbc-md5
>>>        permitted_enctypes = rc4-hmac des3-cbc-sha1 des-cbc-crc 
>>> des-cbc-md5
>>> [realms]
>>>        ${REALM} = {
>>>                kdc = ${KDC}
>>>                admin_server = ${KDC}
>>>        }
>>>        ${REALM2} = {
>>>                kdc = ${KDC2}
>>>                admin_server = ${KDC2}
>>>        }
>>> [domain_realm]
>>>        .${DOMAIN} = ${REALM}
>>>        ${DOMAIN} = ${REALM}
>>>        .${DOMAIN2} = ${REALM2}
>>>        ${DOMAIN2} = ${REALM2}
>>> [logging]
>>>    kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log
>>>    admin_server = FILE:/var/log/kadmin.log
>>>    default = FILE:/var/log/krb5lib.log
>>> !
>>> #
>>> # Create database
>>> #
>>> ${KDB5_UTIL} create -r ${REALM} -s <<!
>>> ${REALM}00$
>>> ${REALM}00$
>>> !
>>> #
>>> # Create ACL file
>>> #
>>> cat > ${KADM5ACL} <<!
>>> ###############################################################################
>>> #Kerberos_principal      permissions     [target_principal] 
>>> [restrictions]
>>> ###############################################################################
>>> #
>>> #*/admin at EXAMPLE.COM  *
>>> */admin@${REALM}        *
>>> !
>>> #
>>> # Create some principals
>>> #
>>> ${KADMINLOCAL} <<!
>>> addprinc -pw "${PASS}" krbtgt/${REALM}@${REALM2}
>>> addprinc -pw "${PASS}" krbtgt/${REALM2}@${REALM}
>>> addprinc -randkey host/${KDC}
>>> addprinc -pw "Root" root/admin
>>> addprinc -pw "Markus" markus/admin
>>> addprinc -pw "markus" markus
>>> addprinc -randkey HTTP/${KDC}
>>> ktadd -k ${VARDIR}/kadm5.keytab kadmin/admin kadmin/changepw
>>> ktadd -k ${ETCDIR}/krb5.keytab host/${KDC}
>>> ktadd -k ${APACHEDIR}/HTTP.keytab HTTP/${KDC}
>>> !
>>> #
>>> # Start daemons
>>> #
>>> /etc/init.d/krb5kdc start
>>> /etc/init.d/kadmind start
>>> chgrp www ${APACHEDIR}/HTTP.keytab
>>> chmod g+r ${APACHEDIR}/HTTP.keytab
>>> /etc/init.d/apache2 start
>>> ======================================================================================
>>> Setup of Windows 2003 R2 KDC
>>> Raise AD to Windows 2003 server forest functional level from AD 
>>> Directory and Trust tool. Then run
>>> ksetup.exe /addkdc SUSE.HOME opensuse.suse.home
>>> ksetup.exe /addrealmflags SUSE.HOME tcpsupported
>>> netdom trust WINDOWS2003.HOME /domain:SUSE.HOME /add /realm /twoway 
>>> /PasswordT:UNIX000$
>>> netdom trust WINDOWS2003.HOME /domain:SUSE.HOME /transitive:yes
>>> netdom trust WINDOWS2003.HOME /domain:SUSE.HOME /foresttransitive:yes
>>> netdom trust WINDOWS2003.HOME /domain:SUSE.HOME /addtln:suse.home
>>> create HTTP/w2k3.windows2003.home principal with msktutil.
>>> =======================================================================================
>>> Now what I got working and what not !!
>>>     1) User WINDOWS2003\markus can connect with putty from Win XP to 
>>> opensuse.suse.home
>>>     2) User WINDOWS2003\markus can connect with IE from Win XP to 
>>> http://w2k3.windows2003.home
>>>     3) User WINDOWS2003\markus can connect with IE from Win XP to 
>>> http://opensuse.suse.home
>>> => 1) User WINDOWS2003\markus-a CAN NOT connect with putty from Win XP 
>>> to opensuse.suse.home (no port 88 traffic)
>>>     2) User WINDOWS2003\markus-a can connect with IE from Win XP to 
>>> http://w2k3.windows2003.home
>>>     3) User WINDOWS2003\markus-a can connect with IE from Win XP to 
>>> http://opensuse.suse.home
>>>     4) User WINDOWS2003\markus can connect with putty from Windows 2003 
>>> kdc to opensuse.suse.home
>>>     5) User WINDOWS2003\markus can connect with IE from Windows 2003 kdc 
>>> to http://opensuse.suse.home
>>> => 6) User WINDOWS2003\markus CAN NOT connect with IE from Windows 2003 
>>> kdc to http://w2k3.windows2003.home (no port 88 traffic)
>>>     7) User markus at SUSE.HOME can connect with Firefox from OpenSuse to 
>>> http://opensuse.suse.home
>>>     8) User markus at WINDOWS2003.HOME can connect with Firefox from 
>>> OpenSuse to http://opensuse.suse.home
>>>     9) User markus at WINDOWS2003.HOME can connect with Firefox from 
>>> OpenSuse to http://w2k3.windows2003.home
>>> => 10) User markus at SUSE.HOME CAN NOT connect with Firefox from OpenSuse 
>>> to http://w2k3.windows2003.home.  I get a
>>> KRB5KDC_ERR_ETYPE_NOSUPP error (see below capture of AS-REQ, AS-REP, 
>>> No.     Time        Source                Destination           Protocol 
>>> Info
>>>    435 51218.688966 opensuse.suse.home    opensuse.suse.home    KRB5 
>>> AS-REQ
>>> Frame 435 (203 bytes on wire, 203 bytes captured)
>>>    Arrival Time: May  1, 2006 13:51:23.964058000
>>>    Time delta from previous packet: 217.931451000 seconds
>>>    Time since reference or first frame: 51218.688966000 seconds
>>>    Frame Number: 435
>>>    Packet Length: 203 bytes
>>>    Capture Length: 203 bytes
>>>    Protocols in frame: sll:ip:udp:kerberos
>>> Linux cooked capture
>>>    Packet type: Unicast to us (0)
>>>    Link-layer address type: 772
>>>    Link-layer address length: 0
>>>    Source: <MISSING>
>>>    Protocol: IP (0x0800)
>>> Internet Protocol, Src: opensuse.suse.home (, Dst: 
>>> opensuse.suse.home (
>>>    Version: 4
>>>    Header length: 20 bytes
>>>    Differentiated Services Field: 0x00 (DSCP 0x00: Default; ECN: 0x00)
>>>        0000 00.. = Differentiated Services Codepoint: Default (0x00)
>>>        .... ..0. = ECN-Capable Transport (ECT): 0
>>>        .... ...0 = ECN-CE: 0
>>>    Total Length: 187
>>>    Identification: 0x34ac (13484)
>>>    Flags: 0x04 (Don't Fragment)
>>>        0... = Reserved bit: Not set
>>>        .1.. = Don't fragment: Set
>>>        ..0. = More fragments: Not set
>>>    Fragment offset: 0
>>>    Time to live: 64
>>>    Protocol: UDP (0x11)
>>>    Header checksum: 0x8227 [correct]
>>>        Good: True
>>>        Bad : False
>>>    Source: opensuse.suse.home (
>>>    Destination: opensuse.suse.home (
>>> User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: 32885 (32885), Dst Port: kerberos (88)
>>>    Source port: 32885 (32885)
>>>    Destination port: kerberos (88)
>>>    Length: 167
>>>    Checksum: 0x8417 [incorrect, should be 0x1303]
>>> Kerberos AS-REQ
>>>    Pvno: 5
>>>    MSG Type: AS-REQ (10)
>>>        Padding: 0
>>>        KDCOptions: 00000010 (Renewable OK)
>>>            .0.. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... = Forwardable: Do NOT 
>>> use forwardable tickets
>>>            ..0. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... = Forwarded: This is 
>>> NOT a forwarded ticket
>>>            ...0 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... = Proxyable: Do NOT 
>>> use proxiable tickets
>>>            .... 0... .... .... .... .... .... .... = Proxy: This ticket 
>>> has NOT been proxied
>>>            .... .0.. .... .... .... .... .... .... = Allow Postdate: We 
>>> do NOT allow the ticket to be postdated
>>>            .... ..0. .... .... .... .... .... .... = Postdated: This 
>>> ticket is NOT postdated
>>>            .... .... 0... .... .... .... .... .... = Renewable: This 
>>> ticket is NOT renewable
>>>            .... .... ...0 .... .... .... .... .... = Opt HW Auth: False
>>>            .... .... .... ...0 .... .... .... .... = Canonicalize: This 
>>> is NOT a canonicalized ticket request
>>>            .... .... .... .... .... .... ..0. .... = Disable Transited 
>>> Check: Transited checking is NOT disabled
>>>            .... .... .... .... .... .... ...1 .... = Renewable OK: We 
>>> accept RENEWED tickets
>>>            .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 0... = Enc-Tkt-in-Skey: Do 
>>> NOT encrypt the tkt inside the skey
>>>            .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..0. = Renew: This is NOT 
>>> a request to renew a ticket
>>>            .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ...0 = Validate: This is 
>>> NOT a request to validate a postdated ticket
>>>        Client Name (Principal): markus
>>>            Name-type: Principal (1)
>>>            Name: markus
>>>        Realm: SUSE.HOME
>>>        Server Name (Unknown): krbtgt/SUSE.HOME
>>>            Name-type: Unknown (0)
>>>            Name: krbtgt
>>>            Name: SUSE.HOME
>>>        from: 2006-05-01 12:51:23 (Z)
>>>        till: 2006-05-02 12:51:23 (Z)
>>>        Nonce: 1146487883
>>>        Encryption Types: rc4-hmac des3-cbc-sha1 des-cbc-crc des-cbc-md5
>>>            Encryption type: rc4-hmac (23)
>>>            Encryption type: des3-cbc-sha1 (16)
>>>            Encryption type: des-cbc-crc (1)
>>>            Encryption type: des-cbc-md5 (3)
>>> No.     Time        Source                Destination           Protocol 
>>> Info
>>>    436 51218.693811 opensuse.suse.home    opensuse.suse.home    KRB5 
>>> AS-REP
>>> Frame 436 (598 bytes on wire, 598 bytes captured)
>>>    Arrival Time: May  1, 2006 13:51:23.968903000
>>>    Time delta from previous packet: 0.004845000 seconds
>>>    Time since reference or first frame: 51218.693811000 seconds
>>>    Frame Number: 436
>>>    Packet Length: 598 bytes
>>>    Capture Length: 598 bytes
>>>    Protocols in frame: sll:ip:udp:kerberos
>>> Linux cooked capture
>>>    Packet type: Unicast to us (0)
>>>    Link-layer address type: 772
>>>    Link-layer address length: 0
>>>    Source: <MISSING>
>>>    Protocol: IP (0x0800)
>>> Internet Protocol, Src: opensuse.suse.home (, Dst: 
>>> opensuse.suse.home (
>>>    Version: 4
>>>    Header length: 20 bytes
>>>    Differentiated Services Field: 0x00 (DSCP 0x00: Default; ECN: 0x00)
>>>        0000 00.. = Differentiated Services Codepoint: Default (0x00)
>>>        .... ..0. = ECN-Capable Transport (ECT): 0
>>>        .... ...0 = ECN-CE: 0
>>>    Total Length: 582
>>>    Identification: 0x001e (30)
>>>    Flags: 0x04 (Don't Fragment)
>>>        0... = Reserved bit: Not set
>>>        .1.. = Don't fragment: Set
>>>        ..0. = More fragments: Not set
>>>    Fragment offset: 0
>>>    Time to live: 64
>>>    Protocol: UDP (0x11)
>>>    Header checksum: 0xb52a [correct]
>>>        Good: True
>>>        Bad : False
>>>    Source: opensuse.suse.home (
>>>    Destination: opensuse.suse.home (
>>> User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: kerberos (88), Dst Port: 32885 (32885)
>>>    Source port: kerberos (88)
>>>    Destination port: 32885 (32885)
>>>    Length: 562
>>>    Checksum: 0x85a2 [incorrect, should be 0x84dc]
>>> Kerberos AS-REP
>>>    Pvno: 5
>>>    MSG Type: AS-REP (11)
>>>    padata: Unknown:19
>>>        Type: Unknown (19)
>>>            Value: 30073005A003020117
>>>    Client Realm: SUSE.HOME
>>>    Client Name (Principal): markus
>>>        Name-type: Principal (1)
>>>        Name: markus
>>>    Ticket
>>>        Tkt-vno: 5
>>>        Realm: SUSE.HOME
>>>        Server Name (Unknown): krbtgt/SUSE.HOME
>>>            Name-type: Unknown (0)
>>>            Name: krbtgt
>>>            Name: SUSE.HOME
>>>        enc-part rc4-hmac
>>>            Encryption type: rc4-hmac (23)
>>>            Kvno: 1
>>>            enc-part: 4057A7166A1CC59F143F9B74A72F0B16CA629616DD0E96F1...
>>>    enc-part rc4-hmac
>>>        Encryption type: rc4-hmac (23)
>>>        enc-part: E0E5CF0DBFEF8C3326CE6F3CB5CFFD73A355696BCD0E95CB...
>>> No.     Time        Source                Destination           Protocol 
>>> Info
>>>    443 51229.309113 opensuse.suse.home    opensuse.suse.home    KRB5 
>>> Frame 443 (652 bytes on wire, 652 bytes captured)
>>>    Arrival Time: May  1, 2006 13:51:34.584205000
>>>    Time delta from previous packet: 10.615302000 seconds
>>>    Time since reference or first frame: 51229.309113000 seconds
>>>    Frame Number: 443
>>>    Packet Length: 652 bytes
>>>    Capture Length: 652 bytes
>>>    Protocols in frame: sll:ip:udp:kerberos
>>> Linux cooked capture
>>>    Packet type: Unicast to us (0)
>>>    Link-layer address type: 772
>>>    Link-layer address length: 0
>>>    Source: <MISSING>
>>>    Protocol: IP (0x0800)
>>> Internet Protocol, Src: opensuse.suse.home (, Dst: 
>>> opensuse.suse.home (
>>>    Version: 4
>>>    Header length: 20 bytes
>>>    Differentiated Services Field: 0x00 (DSCP 0x00: Default; ECN: 0x00)
>>>        0000 00.. = Differentiated Services Codepoint: Default (0x00)
>>>        .... ..0. = ECN-Capable Transport (ECT): 0
>>>        .... ...0 = ECN-CE: 0
>>>    Total Length: 636
>>>    Identification: 0x3f0b (16139)
>>>    Flags: 0x04 (Don't Fragment)
>>>        0... = Reserved bit: Not set
>>>        .1.. = Don't fragment: Set
>>>        ..0. = More fragments: Not set
>>>    Fragment offset: 0
>>>    Time to live: 64
>>>    Protocol: UDP (0x11)
>>>    Header checksum: 0x7607 [correct]
>>>        Good: True
>>>        Bad : False
>>>    Source: opensuse.suse.home (
>>>    Destination: opensuse.suse.home (
>>> User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: 32885 (32885), Dst Port: kerberos (88)
>>>    Source port: 32885 (32885)
>>>    Destination port: kerberos (88)
>>>    Length: 616
>>>    Checksum: 0x85d8 [incorrect, should be 0x7d06]
>>> Kerberos TGS-REQ
>>>    Pvno: 5
>>>    MSG Type: TGS-REQ (12)
>>>    padata: PA-TGS-REQ
>>>        Type: PA-TGS-REQ (1)
>>>            Value: 6E82019D30820199A003020105A10302010EA20703050000... 
>>> AP-REQ
>>>                Pvno: 5
>>>                MSG Type: AP-REQ (14)
>>>                Padding: 0
>>>                APOptions: 00000000
>>>                    .0.. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... = Use Session 
>>> Key: Do NOT use the session key to encrypt the ticket
>>>                    ..0. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... = Mutual 
>>> required: Mutual authentication is NOT required
>>>                Ticket
>>>                    Tkt-vno: 5
>>>                    Realm: SUSE.HOME
>>>                    Server Name (Unknown): krbtgt/SUSE.HOME
>>>                        Name-type: Unknown (0)
>>>                        Name: krbtgt
>>>                        Name: SUSE.HOME
>>>                    enc-part rc4-hmac
>>>                        Encryption type: rc4-hmac (23)
>>>                        Kvno: 1
>>>                        enc-part: 
>>> 4057A7166A1CC59F143F9B74A72F0B16CA629616DD0E96F1...
>>>                Authenticator rc4-hmac
>>>                    Encryption type: rc4-hmac (23)
>>>                    Authenticator data: 
>>> B7008BD37B307572105D0107E309A30F6E89F74B4663A474...
>>>        Padding: 0
>>>        KDCOptions: 00800000 (Renewable)
>>>            .0.. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... = Forwardable: Do NOT 
>>> use forwardable tickets
>>>            ..0. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... = Forwarded: This is 
>>> NOT a forwarded ticket
>>>            ...0 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... = Proxyable: Do NOT 
>>> use proxiable tickets
>>>            .... 0... .... .... .... .... .... .... = Proxy: This ticket 
>>> has NOT been proxied
>>>            .... .0.. .... .... .... .... .... .... = Allow Postdate: We 
>>> do NOT allow the ticket to be postdated
>>>            .... ..0. .... .... .... .... .... .... = Postdated: This 
>>> ticket is NOT postdated
>>>            .... .... 1... .... .... .... .... .... = Renewable: This 
>>> ticket is RENEWABLE
>>>            .... .... ...0 .... .... .... .... .... = Opt HW Auth: False
>>>            .... .... .... ...0 .... .... .... .... = Canonicalize: This 
>>> is NOT a canonicalized ticket request
>>>            .... .... .... .... .... .... ..0. .... = Disable Transited 
>>> Check: Transited checking is NOT disabled
>>>            .... .... .... .... .... .... ...0 .... = Renewable OK: We do 
>>> NOT accept renewed tickets
>>>            .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 0... = Enc-Tkt-in-Skey: Do 
>>> NOT encrypt the tkt inside the skey
>>>            .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..0. = Renew: This is NOT 
>>> a request to renew a ticket
>>>            .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ...0 = Validate: This is 
>>> NOT a request to validate a postdated ticket
>>>        Realm: SUSE.HOME
>>>        Server Name (Unknown): krbtgt/WINDOWS2003.HOME
>>>            Name-type: Unknown (0)
>>>            Name: krbtgt
>>>            Name: WINDOWS2003.HOME
>>>        from: 2006-05-01 12:51:23 (Z)
>>>        till: 2006-05-01 22:51:23 (Z)
>>>        rtime: 2006-05-02 12:51:23 (Z)
>>>        Nonce: 1146487891
>>>        Encryption Types: rc4-hmac des3-cbc-sha1 des-cbc-crc des-cbc-md5
>>>            Encryption type: rc4-hmac (23)
>>>            Encryption type: des3-cbc-sha1 (16)
>>>            Encryption type: des-cbc-crc (1)
>>>            Encryption type: des-cbc-md5 (3)
>>> No.     Time        Source                Destination           Protocol 
>>> Info
>>>    444 51229.328348 opensuse.suse.home    opensuse.suse.home    KRB5 
>>> Frame 444 (629 bytes on wire, 629 bytes captured)
>>>    Arrival Time: May  1, 2006 13:51:34.603440000
>>>    Time delta from previous packet: 0.019235000 seconds
>>>    Time since reference or first frame: 51229.328348000 seconds
>>>    Frame Number: 444
>>>    Packet Length: 629 bytes
>>>    Capture Length: 629 bytes
>>>    Protocols in frame: sll:ip:udp:kerberos
>>> Linux cooked capture
>>>    Packet type: Unicast to us (0)
>>>    Link-layer address type: 772
>>>    Link-layer address length: 0
>>>    Source: <MISSING>
>>>    Protocol: IP (0x0800)
>>> Internet Protocol, Src: opensuse.suse.home (, Dst: 
>>> opensuse.suse.home (
>>>    Version: 4
>>>    Header length: 20 bytes
>>>    Differentiated Services Field: 0x00 (DSCP 0x00: Default; ECN: 0x00)
>>>        0000 00.. = Differentiated Services Codepoint: Default (0x00)
>>>        .... ..0. = ECN-Capable Transport (ECT): 0
>>>        .... ...0 = ECN-CE: 0
>>>    Total Length: 613
>>>    Identification: 0x001f (31)
>>>    Flags: 0x04 (Don't Fragment)
>>>        0... = Reserved bit: Not set
>>>        .1.. = Don't fragment: Set
>>>        ..0. = More fragments: Not set
>>>    Fragment offset: 0
>>>    Time to live: 64
>>>    Protocol: UDP (0x11)
>>>    Header checksum: 0xb50a [correct]
>>>        Good: True
>>>        Bad : False
>>>    Source: opensuse.suse.home (
>>>    Destination: opensuse.suse.home (
>>> User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: kerberos (88), Dst Port: 32885 (32885)
>>>    Source port: kerberos (88)
>>>    Destination port: 32885 (32885)
>>>    Length: 593
>>>    Checksum: 0x85c1 [incorrect, should be 0x3f5c]
>>> Kerberos TGS-REP
>>>    Pvno: 5
>>>    MSG Type: TGS-REP (13)
>>>    Client Realm: SUSE.HOME
>>>    Client Name (Principal): markus
>>>        Name-type: Principal (1)
>>>        Name: markus
>>>    Ticket
>>>        Tkt-vno: 5
>>>        Realm: SUSE.HOME
>>>        Server Name (Unknown): krbtgt/WINDOWS2003.HOME
>>>            Name-type: Unknown (0)
>>>            Name: krbtgt
>>>            Name: WINDOWS2003.HOME
>>>        enc-part rc4-hmac
>>>            Encryption type: rc4-hmac (23)
>>>            Kvno: 1
>>>            enc-part: 46B8A78EEFCA7160D04C0C723040660AF957F1C8AF3B4BDE...
>>>    enc-part rc4-hmac
>>>        Encryption type: rc4-hmac (23)
>>>        enc-part: 981F6F1C48DBB164CDAB8E7C4439D8C29B9DD584929E8580...
>>> No.     Time        Source                Destination           Protocol 
>>> Info
>>>    445 51229.329735 opensuse.suse.home    windows2003.windows2003.home 
>>> Frame 445 (651 bytes on wire, 651 bytes captured)
>>>    Arrival Time: May  1, 2006 13:51:34.604827000
>>>    Time delta from previous packet: 0.001387000 seconds
>>>    Time since reference or first frame: 51229.329735000 seconds
>>>    Frame Number: 445
>>>    Packet Length: 651 bytes
>>>    Capture Length: 651 bytes
>>>    Protocols in frame: sll:ip:udp:kerberos
>>> Linux cooked capture
>>>    Packet type: Sent by us (4)
>>>    Link-layer address type: 1
>>>    Link-layer address length: 6
>>>    Source: Vmware_02:d5:f5 (00:0c:29:02:d5:f5)
>>>    Protocol: IP (0x0800)
>>> Internet Protocol, Src: opensuse.suse.home (, Dst: 
>>> windows2003.windows2003.home (
>>>    Version: 4
>>>    Header length: 20 bytes
>>>    Differentiated Services Field: 0x00 (DSCP 0x00: Default; ECN: 0x00)
>>>        0000 00.. = Differentiated Services Codepoint: Default (0x00)
>>>        .... ..0. = ECN-Capable Transport (ECT): 0
>>>        .... ...0 = ECN-CE: 0
>>>    Total Length: 635
>>>    Identification: 0x3f10 (16144)
>>>    Flags: 0x04 (Don't Fragment)
>>>        0... = Reserved bit: Not set
>>>        .1.. = Don't fragment: Set
>>>        ..0. = More fragments: Not set
>>>    Fragment offset: 0
>>>    Time to live: 64
>>>    Protocol: UDP (0x11)
>>>    Header checksum: 0x7605 [correct]
>>>        Good: True
>>>        Bad : False
>>>    Source: opensuse.suse.home (
>>>    Destination: windows2003.windows2003.home (
>>> User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: 32885 (32885), Dst Port: kerberos (88)
>>>    Source port: 32885 (32885)
>>>    Destination port: kerberos (88)
>>>    Length: 615
>>>    Checksum: 0x9902 [correct]
>>> Kerberos TGS-REQ
>>>    Pvno: 5
>>>    MSG Type: TGS-REQ (12)
>>>    padata: PA-TGS-REQ
>>>        Type: PA-TGS-REQ (1)
>>>            Value: 6E8201BA308201B6A003020105A10302010EA20703050000... 
>>> AP-REQ
>>>                Pvno: 5
>>>                MSG Type: AP-REQ (14)
>>>                Padding: 0
>>>                APOptions: 00000000
>>>                    .0.. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... = Use Session 
>>> Key: Do NOT use the session key to encrypt the ticket
>>>                    ..0. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... = Mutual 
>>> required: Mutual authentication is NOT required
>>>                Ticket
>>>                    Tkt-vno: 5
>>>                    Realm: SUSE.HOME
>>>                    Server Name (Unknown): krbtgt/WINDOWS2003.HOME
>>>                        Name-type: Unknown (0)
>>>                        Name: krbtgt
>>>                        Name: WINDOWS2003.HOME
>>>                    enc-part rc4-hmac
>>>                        Encryption type: rc4-hmac (23)
>>>                        Kvno: 1
>>>                        enc-part: 
>>> 46B8A78EEFCA7160D04C0C723040660AF957F1C8AF3B4BDE...
>>>                Authenticator rc4-hmac
>>>                    Encryption type: rc4-hmac (23)
>>>                    Authenticator data: 
>>> FE71BE32F2BFF609F021A368F6DAF66CC42C00C7508FB8E2...
>>>        Padding: 0
>>>        KDCOptions: 00800000 (Renewable)
>>>            .0.. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... = Forwardable: Do NOT 
>>> use forwardable tickets
>>>            ..0. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... = Forwarded: This is 
>>> NOT a forwarded ticket
>>>            ...0 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... = Proxyable: Do NOT 
>>> use proxiable tickets
>>>            .... 0... .... .... .... .... .... .... = Proxy: This ticket 
>>> has NOT been proxied
>>>            .... .0.. .... .... .... .... .... .... = Allow Postdate: We 
>>> do NOT allow the ticket to be postdated
>>>            .... ..0. .... .... .... .... .... .... = Postdated: This 
>>> ticket is NOT postdated
>>>            .... .... 1... .... .... .... .... .... = Renewable: This 
>>> ticket is RENEWABLE
>>>            .... .... ...0 .... .... .... .... .... = Opt HW Auth: False
>>>            .... .... .... ...0 .... .... .... .... = Canonicalize: This 
>>> is NOT a canonicalized ticket request
>>>            .... .... .... .... .... .... ..0. .... = Disable Transited 
>>> Check: Transited checking is NOT disabled
>>>            .... .... .... .... .... .... ...0 .... = Renewable OK: We do 
>>> NOT accept renewed tickets
>>>            .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 0... = Enc-Tkt-in-Skey: Do 
>>> NOT encrypt the tkt inside the skey
>>>            .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..0. = Renew: This is NOT 
>>> a request to renew a ticket
>>>            .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ...0 = Validate: This is 
>>> NOT a request to validate a postdated ticket
>>>        Realm: WINDOWS2003.HOME
>>>        Server Name (Service and Host): HTTP/w2k3.windows2003.home
>>>            Name-type: Service and Host (3)
>>>            Name: HTTP
>>>            Name: w2k3.windows2003.home
>>>        till: 2006-05-01 22:51:23 (Z)
>>>        Nonce: 1146487891
>>>        Encryption Types: rc4-hmac des3-cbc-sha1 des-cbc-crc des-cbc-md5
>>>            Encryption type: rc4-hmac (23)
>>>            Encryption type: des3-cbc-sha1 (16)
>>>            Encryption type: des-cbc-crc (1)
>>>            Encryption type: des-cbc-md5 (3)
>>> No.     Time        Source                Destination           Protocol 
>>> Info
>>>    446 51229.334347 windows2003.windows2003.home opensuse.suse.home KRB5 
>>> Frame 446 (151 bytes on wire, 151 bytes captured)
>>>    Arrival Time: May  1, 2006 13:51:34.609439000
>>>    Time delta from previous packet: 0.004612000 seconds
>>>    Time since reference or first frame: 51229.334347000 seconds
>>>    Frame Number: 446
>>>    Packet Length: 151 bytes
>>>    Capture Length: 151 bytes
>>>    Protocols in frame: sll:ip:udp:kerberos
>>> Linux cooked capture
>>>    Packet type: Unicast to us (0)
>>>    Link-layer address type: 1
>>>    Link-layer address length: 6
>>>    Source: Vmware_71:05:9f (00:0c:29:71:05:9f)
>>>    Protocol: IP (0x0800)
>>> Internet Protocol, Src: windows2003.windows2003.home (, Dst: 
>>> opensuse.suse.home (
>>>    Version: 4
>>>    Header length: 20 bytes
>>>    Differentiated Services Field: 0x00 (DSCP 0x00: Default; ECN: 0x00)
>>>        0000 00.. = Differentiated Services Codepoint: Default (0x00)
>>>        .... ..0. = ECN-Capable Transport (ECT): 0
>>>        .... ...0 = ECN-CE: 0
>>>    Total Length: 135
>>>    Identification: 0xdebe (57022)
>>>    Flags: 0x00
>>>        0... = Reserved bit: Not set
>>>        .0.. = Don't fragment: Not set
>>>        ..0. = More fragments: Not set
>>>    Fragment offset: 0
>>>    Time to live: 128
>>>    Protocol: UDP (0x11)
>>>    Header checksum: 0xd84a [correct]
>>>        Good: True
>>>        Bad : False
>>>    Source: windows2003.windows2003.home (
>>>    Destination: opensuse.suse.home (
>>> User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: kerberos (88), Dst Port: 32885 (32885)
>>>    Source port: kerberos (88)
>>>    Destination port: 32885 (32885)
>>>    Length: 115
>>>    Checksum: 0xb7f8 [correct]
>>> Kerberos KRB-ERROR
>>>    Pvno: 5
>>>    MSG Type: KRB-ERROR (30)
>>>    stime: 2006-05-01 12:51:33 (Z)
>>>    susec: 907050
>>>    error_code: KRB5KDC_ERR_ETYPE_NOSUPP (14)
>>>    Realm: WINDOWS2003.HOME
>>>    Server Name (Service and Host): HTTP/w2k3.windows2003.home
>>>        Name-type: Service and Host (3)
>>>        Name: HTTP
>>>        Name: w2k3.windows2003.home
>>> "Markus Moeller" <huaraz at> wrote in message 
>>> news:444bcbd2$0$23157$ed2e19e4 at
>>>> Is there anywhere a howto for setting up a oneway or even twoway trust 
>>>> between a Windows 2003 SP1/R2 server and a MIT kdc with rc4-hmac 
>>>> encryption ?
>>>> Thank you
>>>> Markus

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