kinit request on keytab fails using 2K3sp1 KDC

Jeffrey Altman jaltman2 at
Wed Mar 22 20:10:46 EST 2006

Richard E. Silverman wrote:
>>>>>> "TA" == "Tim Alsop" <Tim.Alsop at> writes:
>     TA> It seems that the sp1 version of ktpass stores a key with a
>     TA> specific kvno in the keytab file, and the kvno in the domain
>     TA> controller for the same principal is different. This is why you
>     TA> cannot use the keytab file to authenticate.
> Yes; it always sets the kvno in the keytab it writes to 1, regardless of
> the value in the KDB (which of course changes each time the key is
> extracted).  So, you can only use the keytab the first time you extract
> it.  If you have to do it again, just delete the principal and re-create
> it.

ktpass allows you to specify the kvno on the command line.
You can obtain the kvno for the service principal with the MIT kvno utility.

Jeffrey Altman

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