Server not found in Kerberos Database

kneofyte kneofyte at
Wed Jul 26 02:37:03 EDT 2006

>   When I am trying to do a kinit on the client, I am getting this error. However, I have no idea of the log files on the KDC (which I assume should be on the AD server). 

Yes you need to check on the "Security event log" on AD.
Have you checked on the document at:
If above does not help, please also paste the exact "kinit" command that 
you are typing(Ofcourse you could mask the sensitive data).

>   I found out that this error was eliminated when i tried to rename the client machine. e.g. I had the name of the client as and now i changed it to
>   Can you please help in exactly pinpointing why this could have happened?

Does test1 have a valid account on


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