kinit: Unsupported credentials cache format version number while storing credentials sandypossible at
Wed Feb 8 23:36:56 EST 2006

Hi ,

kerberos version is MIT 1.4.3
OS: Linux
Configuration files as given in the installation guide. If I capture
the ethereal, I can see the TGT ticket getting issued for the correct

- Sandy.

Sensei wrote:
> On 2006-02-08 15:39:48 +0100, sandypossible at said:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I am getting the error
> >
> > " kinit: Unsupported credentials cache format version number while
> > storing credentials "
> >
> > and  " klist: Unsupported credentials cache format version number while
> > setting cache flags"
> > errors when I try to acquire credentials. Could you please let me know
> > what does these errors mean? Also can you please explain what is meant
> > by "setting cache flags" ?
> Can you post more informations? Kerberos version, OS type, your
> configuration files...
> --
> Sensei <senseiwa at>
> Part of the inhumanity of the computer is that, once it is competently
> programmed and working smoothly, it is completely honest. (Isaac Asimov)

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