.k5login and non-kerberized ssh client

Richard E. Silverman res at qoxp.net
Mon Apr 24 22:45:12 EDT 2006

>>>>> "RB" == "Ryan Boyd" <rbisd at rit.edu> writes:

    RB> However, I would like some way for a non-kerberized ssh/sftp
    RB> client to login directly as 'wsowner' using the credentials of,
    RB> for example, 'user1 at DOMAIN.TLD'.  Is this at all possible?

Of course.  Read up on the other authentication methods available in SSH
besides GSSAPI/Kerberos.  You could use hostbased authentication with
~/.shosts, or publickey authentication with various users' public keys in
~wsowner/.ssh/authorized_keys, or ...

  Richard Silverman
  res at qoxp.net

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