get only username from REMOTE_USER variable

Buck Huppmann buckh at
Tue Sep 27 14:19:34 EDT 2005

On Tue, Sep 27, 2005 at 12:57:03PM +0000, Jeffrey Altman wrote:

> > My problem is nothing except that to make modifications to REMOTE_USER
> > variable in the kerberos itself.
> > I mean when I am visiting a kerberos enabled webpage, after succesful
> > authentication the REMOTE_USER variable is being set as
> > "<user>@<mydomainname>"
> > I guess here the <domainname>, obviously it takes from domain_realm,
> > set in the /etc/krb5.conf page.
> > So, I want to make changes something that could make REMOTE_USER
> > variable just the "user" and not the "<user>@<mydomainname>".
> > 
> > Response would be much appreciated.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Nikhil
> > 
> You could make a change to do so but it would be unwise.   What you
> refer to as <mydomainname> is really <REALM-OF-USER>.   Since Kerberos
> supports authentication from multiple realms, it is necessary to
> include the full principal name in REMOTE_USER to distinguish the
> source of the authentication.

if, however, you are willing to live with the defaults or have care-
fully crafted auth_to_local information in your krb5.conf, you can call
krb5_auth_to_localname() and then do a krb5_kuserok() check, to map
principal to local name, assuming there are ``local accounts'' on the
server, no?. this is the essence of how kerberized logins to shell,
ftp, et al. accounts are performed for most other services, i gather,
anyway, so i submitted a patch, via the modauthkerb sourceforge site,
to optionally do this, but it molders, so i'm probably wrong. (we are
using this functionality to make authorization decisions based on
account group memberships using mod_auth_pam's auth_sys_group_module,
in case you're wondering why the heck i bothered. it would be going a
step beyond the goofiness already indicated to use this kerberized
authentication and local-user mapping to have the request handler fork
a suexec-ish delegate, i am at least still fretting to myself)

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