Double logs from the KDC

Fredrik Tolf fredrik at
Sun Nov 27 15:54:29 EST 2005

Hi List!

I have a small problem with my MIT KDC: All log messages are logged
twice. It's not exactly a life threatening problem, but quite annoying.

I have configured logging to log both to a file and to syslog, and the
log messages appear twice in both the file and in syslog. When looking
in /proc/`pidof krb5kdc`/fd (it's running on Linux), I can also see that
it has opened the logfile on two file descriptors.

My log configuration from /etc/krb5.conf looks like this:
        kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log
        kdc = SYSLOG:INFO:DAEMON
        admin_server = FILE:/var/log/kadmin.log
        admin_server = SYSLOG:INFO:DAEMON
        default = FILE:/var/log/krb5lib.log

The logs from the kadmin daemon appear twice, as well. Does someone know
why this happens?

Fredrik Tolf

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