MIT Kerberos clients and Windows KDC sandypossible at
Fri Nov 18 03:54:49 EST 2005

Hi all,

I am trying to make an embedded device part of the windows domain and
use windows DC as KDC for my embedded divice. Embedded device has MIT
Kerberos. I am using GSS API .

* How can we get the TGT for the server programatically ( transperently
)  with out user intervention ?

* If the device restarts, then do I need to store the TGT in persistent
memory ?

* If I am not wrong, microsoft adds the PAC data which no limitation of
size. I have memory constraints. Is it required to store the TGT in non
volatile memory ? I need this info since I am trying to find in case if
the embedded device reboots ,then do I need to store the TGT in non
volatile memory or I can get it again after the device comes up.

* Assuming that a client is accessing services on embedded device via
Kerberos and there is already  a successful kerberos session is
established. If at this point, if the embedded  device reboots and the
device gets TGT again, will it alter the communication in any way ?

Could anybody please respond to these queries?


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