Requesting a service ticket from Windows XP client

vilifin (sent by lists at
Mon Nov 14 16:21:12 EST 2005

Is it possible to send a kerberos service ticket request directly to Windows XP OS? My aim is to create an application, running on one Linux or Windows host, that would request a service ticket from Windows XP workstation without the need of special client side application. This application should act like some kind of authenticator proxy. It listens one port and forwards connections to another host. Before forwarding a connection, it would authenticate client using Kerberos. Let's assume that this application is possible to get the username and hostname from the connection made by client. Is it possible to request a service ticket from Windows XP workstation (client) just by knowing the hostname and username of logged user without doing any client side applications? Is there some kind of direct API in Windows XP for requesting a service ticket?
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