ckermit on Mac OS 10.3.9 with Kerberos?

Jeffrey Altman jaltman2 at
Fri May 27 10:51:27 EDT 2005

Ed Ravin wrote:

> I'm new to Mac OS X, so I suspect I'm missing something about the way
> linking works in this environment.  I also made the possibly-naive
> assumption that I could link to the Mac OS X Kerberos libraries the
> same way I would build with the MIT libraries, as the OS X Kerberos seems
> to be a port of MIT.

C-Kermit does not build for MacOSX with Kerberos because it relies on
some interfaces and symbols which are considered private and are not
exported by the libraries.

I have placed an untested binary built on MacOS X at


Unfortunately, source is not available.

Jeffrey Altman

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