Problems running kinit on HP-UX 11.00, 11i

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Fri May 13 17:55:02 EDT 2005

>>>>> "Albert" == Albert Chin <kerberos at> writes:

    Albert> On Fri, May 13, 2005 at 10:36:59AM -0400, Sam Hartman
    Albert> wrote:
    >> It seems completely broken for an OS to provide pthread_once
    >> that isn't funcitional.  I'd recommend opening a bug with HP
    >> pointing out that even the non-threaded version of pthread_once
    >> does need to make sure the code is called exactly once.

    Albert> Per my post with the description of patch PHCO_22923, it
    Albert> isn't broken.  This is how HP designed the stub functions.

A design can be broken.

I don't believe the implementation of pthread_once in the HP libc
meets the API specification in POSIX.  That counts as broken in my


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